Don't threaten me with a good time

Start from the beginning

Bendy felt so guilty. Not only did he break his promise, but his girlfriend was distressed about this as well.

It's a helluva feeling though

It's a helluva feeling though

Alright, alright, it's a helluva feeling though

It's a helluva feeling though

Last night sounded like a great idea at first, but now he's gotta reap what he's sown.

What are these footprints?

They don't look very human-like

Now I wish that I could find my clothes

Bed sheets and a morning rose

He looked down only to see a bucket filled with what looked and smelled like a mixture of ink and booze.

His illness hit him last night.

He watched as you fell over onto the floor, bent over the bucket.

That's right you have the illness too. 

I wanna wake up

Can't even tell if this is a dream

How did we end up in my neighbor's pool

Upside down with a perfect view?

You had cared for the demon all night, getting no sleep in return.

He felt worse about his actions by the second.

Bar to bar at the speed of sound

Fancy feet dancing through this town

Lost my mind in a wedding gown

Don't think I'll ever get it now

(Don't think I'll ever get it now)

Faintly, he recalled walking through town. Stopping at the window display at a bridal shop.

His drunken mind imagined you in the gown that was showcased.

Thinking back at that now that he's sober, he bitterly laughed internally.

'Like she'd ever consider that with a dumbass like me'

Champagne, cocaine, gasoline

And most things in between

I roam the city in a shopping cart

A pack of camels and a smoke alarm

This night is heating up

Raise hell and turn it up

Saying, "If you go on you might pass out in a drain pipe."

Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time

You had finally stopped puking and had collapsed onto the bed beside Bendy.

He brushed your hair out of your face and wiped the line of ink off your chin.

I'm a scholar and a gentleman

And I usually don't fall when I try to stand

I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt

But I make these high heels work

You giggled at him as he planted a kiss to her forehead.

"What's so funny doll?"

You pulled out your cellphone and showed him a picture of himself wearing one of your dresses.

You pulled out your cellphone and showed him a picture of himself wearing one of your dresses

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I've told you time and time again

I'm not as think as you drunk I am

And we all fell down

When the sun came up

I think we've had enough

Bendy froze, mortified of what he sees as you laughed harder.

The rest of the gang piled in, knowing that you just revealed the photo.

Alright, alright, it's a helluva feeling though

It's a helluva feeling though

Alright, alright, it's a helluva feeling though

It's a helluva feeling though

"So Bendy, pink's really your color isn't it" Cup teased.

Bendy's face grew red and hot as the others joined in poking fun.

Champagne, cocaine, gasoline

And most things in between

I roam the city in a shopping cart

A pack of camels and a smoke alarm

This night is heating up

Raise hell and turn it up

Saying, "If you go on you might pass out in a drain pipe."

Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time

"Fuck you, Cup! You're just jealous cause I'm hella more fabulous than you are!"

Cup huffed as he walked to his room as well as the others.

You giggled.

"Please delete that"

"Nope! I'm keeping it as a reminder of just how fan--fucking-tabulous my Bendy-boo is" you said nuzzling into his side, falling asleep almost immediately.

Bendy kissed you on the nose before pulling the duvet over both of you.

"This is why I love you" 

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