Chapter 1

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©R5_MagCon_1D 2013


Chapter 1: The Boy In the Photo

Audrey's POV

Hey my name is Audrey, last names Julia and I just turned 16 last month on August 16. My family and I live in Colorado. I'm in love with this band that you may not know called R5.

If I'd choose a favorite from the band, I'd have to choose all of them because they're so awesome and just so funny!!

I have a little brother, Drake (who's thirteen-years-old), he thinks I need to be sent to a mental institution because of my obsession with R5. I bet many have been told that and I'm not the only one.

Well that's just Drake.

Drake has bushy bright blonde hair kinda like Ross, Riker, and Rydel Lynch. Well Rydel has straight hair, but you know what I mean.

Today's the first day of September and tomorrow I start my first day as a sophomore.

There's good news and bad news.

The good news being, I get to see my best buddy ever, Emily.

The bad news being, I hate school because of all the "preppy" kids that bully Emily and I. We get judged on our appearance and what clothes we wear, and of course we like a band, that's not big as One Direction and other bands, known as R5.

As I finish writing in my diary, I placed my secret journal in a locked little chest that my grandmother had given me for my birthday when I was Drake's age.

I locked the chest, stuck it under my bed next to my side table, and placed the key in my pillow case where only I would know where to find it.

I crossed over to the other side of my room that was painted purple blue, along with tan floor boards. My walls were also covered in R5 posters.

I went to my dresser that had all my makeup scattered on top of it. I grabbed my eyeliner and made another layer, seeing that it was starting to fade away.

"Audrey," my mom, Suzan Julia, called. " Its time for dinner!"

I had a body length mirror next to my dresser and window, I walked over to it and lifted my shirt to see my stomach.

Kids last year called me fat and that's why I didn't eat much. For my surprise I was very slim. But I put the dreadful and torturous memories away, tucked my blue and white striped shirt back into my belted skinny jeans and went downstairs to have dinner.

I sat next to Drake on the left side of the dinner table, while mom sat on one end of the table and my dad, Brandon Julia, sat in the other end. And the right side was empty.

Mom started to serve the family dinner. Tonight was meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and corn.

When I was done I went back upstairs to my room. Not too long ago, Drake and I had just switched rooms, so I'm so used to taking a sharp right when I got to the top of the staircase. Now my room is a straight ahead walk at the top.

I grabbed my iPod and placed it on my iHome speakers and started blasting "That's My Confession" by R5.

A pounding starts echoing through my room, so I yell, " Go away Drake!" When Drake pounds on the door or wall like that it usually means that the music is too loud and annoying for him to handle.

Once he pounded on the door again, I didn't really care anymore, just tuned the rest of the world out by dancing and and singing to all of R5's songs. Well not all of the songs cause their album Louder doesn't come out till like two to three weeks and I honestly can't wait. I scream happily just the thought about it and keep dancing and singing.

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