Chapter 91

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Irene walked over the corridors, scanning every corner of her new temporary home with every detail.

Luxury AND Luxury and Luxury, They have spent money on the things which didn’t even required to be bought at the first place” She sighed to herself, switching her new phone on.

Watcha doing?” Maxim jumped out of nowhere, scaring Irene as the phone almost was dropped on the ground but he held it before it landed.

Will you stop scaring the hell outta me?” She muttered, grabbing the phone back from his hands and walking away.

He followed her, speaking nothing but just staring at her.

Why isn’t anyone picking my phone call up?” She uttered again and then dialed again, “Is there something wrong with my Phone”

There’s nothing wrong with your phone, its just the network is-What the actual F*uk” He took a step back as the phone was on the ground, shattered into pieces.

ARE YOU CRAZY, WHO BREAKS PHONES LI-“ He silenced himself as she turned to look at him, deadly into his eyes.

Here Boss, Your New Phone” One of her Guard stepped up and handed her another brand new Phone, she took it and started walking again, without even looking back at Maxim.

Maxim eyed the guard, who also did the same as his leader and left the scenario.
He snapped out as he started searching for Irene in the hallways again, as if a rabbit is searching for the Tigress to be its prey.

Haven’t he become tired of playing games, I would surely murder him someday” Irene muttered to herself, coming out from the back of curtains, walking in the opposite direction of where Maxim went.

Maixm is only taking it far and far, No one’s got this far in irritating Boss” One of her Guards spoke, looking at everything from a standby.

Of course, we can clearly see it on her face that she is irritated as hell, it would only take few more chances before he is dead” Another one said.

“I bet few more than that, look” The first one said as both of them turned to look where Irene went.

Irene walked forward only to get stumbled into a broad chest, looking up to find that its none other than Maxim.

Where to Princess?” He smirked as she rolled her eyes on him.

Did you roll your eyes on me Irene?” He raised his brows, as she smirked back at him.

Of course My Love, perhaps you have got slight damage in your eyes therefore you cant see

Well, I kinda think yes, because I fell too far in your love, Princess” He touched her face with the last words, caressing it with the back side of his hand.

She slapped his hand away, feeling his touch as disgusting as it could be.

Stop before I kill you” She glared at him, and turned around to walk not wanting to talk to him anymore.

But he held her wrist, pulling her back into him.

It shouldn’t be like this Princess, I know you want me too. Don’t you?”

Before he could contemplate, a gunshot was aired in the silence, as all the guards present in every corner of the mansion pulled their guns out, running closer to the area from where the gunshot sound rose.

Vadim and Daniel too ran there, only to find Maxim holding his bloody leg into his hands, looking right into Irene’s eyes as she stood few centimetres away from him, holding the gun in her hand, pointing it at his head.

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