Chapter 85

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"Jimin.. Come.. " You pulled him by his hand, as he walked with the blindfold.

"Where are you taking-OWWW.. " He rubbed his nose, as a drop of tear fell out of the blindfold.

"Oops.. I am sorry.. " You kissed his nose, pulling him aside from the Pole, and starts running forward.

"Tadatadatadaaaa.. " You opened the white cloth from his eyes, as he stared at the building in front of him.

"What.. You don't like it..?? " You pouted as he turned to look at you.

"Like what.. The Building..?? "

You nodded with a wide smile, "This is a Hotel which I bought yesterday.. It's Your Surprise.. "

He stared at you, as you waited for his response.

"... "

".. "

"... "

"Jimin.. "

"What..?? "

"Aren't you going to say something..?? "

"What should I say..?? "

"Thank you.. Love you.. Blah blah..?? " You raised your brows as he sighed and shook head.

"Are you serious.. You just bought a hotel under my name for me..!! It's a Seven Star Hotel My Love.. You know how expensive it is.. You shouldn't waste money.. "

"It's not wasting when it's on you.. " You pouted, turning away from him.

"Alright alright.. " He wrapped his arms around your waist from back, and rested his chin on your shoulders, "I loved the gift.. "

"You know what it's name is..?? "

"What is it..?? "

"Zinnia.. " You smiled, turning to face him , finding his cute little pout.

"You know I find it difficult with words.. "

You chuckled, and pecked his pout, "Zinnia is a flower.. It means, I mourn your absence.. " You said in low voice, as he looked deep into your eyes.

"And I wish you never have to mourn again.. " He whispered back, as you nodded.

"Come now.. There is something inside for you.. "

"A surprise.. Again..?? " He said as was dragged by you, inside the Hotel.

The Hotel staff bowed as they looked at you.

"Where are you taking me now.. " He asked, stopping you.

"Well, here.. " You spread your arms as he pulled them back down.

"It's a public place.. Come back in your character " He said, as you cleared your throat, and smiled thinly.

You held his arms, and pulled him inside the restaurant area in the Hotel.

"Are we having Dinner here..?? " He raised brows.

"No.. We are.. Well yes.. But not alone.. " You said, pulling him to a specific table.

"Whe-" He stopped, as he was now standing in front of a couple, who stopped eating when their eyes landed on You.

The couple dropped the chopsticks, as their eyes landed on Him.

"Jimin.. They are.. Parks.. Your Parents.. " Just as the words came out of your mouth, Seoung got up from the chair.

"Kiara, you shouldn't reveal it like this..!! " He said, his expression, not so good.

Park MunHee got up, holding her Husband's arm, so that he doesn't cross the line.

You sighed, and pulled Jimin forward, who was frozen on his spot.

"Jimin, I am telling you the truth.. And this is your second surprise.. I couldn't help myself to keep this secret.. " You said, and he turned his face towards you.

"Era.. Why don't we go back..?? " He tried to smile, but be couldn't in the end.

"Ji-Jimin.. Won't you even.. Meet us.. " MunHee wanted to run and hug her only child, but looking at his expression, she tried to control herself.

"You abandoned me long ago.. Why would I keep the relation with you.. " He didn't turned to look at her.

"Jimin, you should atleast listen to us.. " Seoung stepped forward, and held MunHee in his arms, who was on the verge of tears.

"I don't want to listen-"

"Jimin, listen to them.. They didn't abandoned you.. " You stopped him from going away .

He sighed, finally turning to take a good look at his parents.

"Jimin.. " Munhee took a step forward, swallowing her tears.

She waited, so that she doesn't scare him.

So that she doesn't make him leave without even listening to her.

When she saw that Jimin didn't stopped her, she came forward and held his one hand.

Her tears, started to fall down from her eyes.

"Jimin, I.. I searched you for years..You.. Are finally in front of me.. " She breathed out, kissing his hand.

You looked at the Restaurant Manager, who then emptied the whole area, and left himself too.

Jimin's heart felt heavy as he saw it.

Though he never met her, when he found that she have parents, he wanted you hug them, and be with them.

But when he thought about how his life has been till now, be can't make himself do it.

He slowly raised his hand, holding MunHee's hand which was holding his other one.

"We.. Trust me .. Jimin, we never abandoned you.. It was.. It was the war.. The war between Mafia's which made us do it.. " She cried on his hand, as he finally wrapped his arms around his mother.

"We were somewhere related to Mafia, before Kiara found us.. Years ago, when the war between the mafia's happened, they arranged assassination for You and Your Mother.. We tried to save you.. But you were taken away.. " Seoung stepped forward too.

Though his words weren't saying much, but his eyes were stuck on his child.

He carefully scanned his features, his scars and his bruises of long times.. Thinking how his life would have been, just because he was not able to save him.

It has been almost half of his life, and they were separated.

His eyes, said everything he couldn't.

Jimin gave his one hand out, reaching for Seoung, and then, he pulled him into their small family hug.

MunHee pulled out of the hug, and then stared at you.

Jimin noticed her gaze and held your hand, "She is my Girlfriend.. "

MunHee widened her eyes, as Seoung coughed out.

"Wh-what..!? " He asked again, but staring at you.

"Is something wrong..?? " Jimin took a perfect glance of both you, and his parents, "They called you Kiara at first.. How do you guys know each other..?? "

You smiled, looking at Seoung and MunHee.

"Well, it all started when I debuted.. " You smiled.

ANYTHING FOR YOU (JIMIN X READER) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang