Chapter 69

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Jimin walked over from one store to another.

"I saved a lot of money for this moment.." He patted his pocket as he went into another store in the mall.

The shining jewelleries and different kinds of rings and pendants came in his view.

"Alright..Let's head back" He said and turned away, walking out.

"She doesn't like wearing to many of shining things..And she have so many of them already.." He sighed, and then came out of the mall.

There was nothing that could fade away the sorrow from his eyes and melt his heart into two.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his brain and he smiled brightly.

"LET ME IN..HOW CAN YOU NOT ALLOW ME TO GO IN..MIND YOUR POSITION. .!!" Taehyung yelled at the Doctor, who was stopping him to enter the Operation Theatre.

"I am sorry Dr. Taehyung, but this is what I should do..Patient's family is not allowed inside, and you can't perform the surgery on your own family member..Please Understand .." The Doctor said, his voice quivering as he trembled under Taehyung's gaze.

This was the first time that the Hospital Facility has saw Taehyung going mad .

Everytime , he was smiling or making fun with someone or the other, but this time, we was loosing his temper and could hit anyone in front of his way.

Seulgi held his arm and pulled him away from the doctor.

"Taehyung calm down..You can't do anything by shouting at him..And you know it much better than him.." She said, patting his chest , standing in front of him so that he doesn't pounce over the doctor.

She turned her head back and nodded at the doctor, "Please go and start the surgery..I will take care of him.."

The Doctor bowed to both of them, as he immediately made his way inside the OT sections and the respective OT he has to.

Seulgi pushed Taehyung on the chair , and sat beside him.

With that, the crowd of the staff also faded, leaving them alone.

Taehyung lowered his head, as he stared on his clenched fist.


"I told her that she will be cured..But she always said that she doesn't have much time left.." His voice trembled and Seulgi looked at him.

"I.." He continued, " Despite being a neurologist, I can't even handle a brain tumour in my own GrandMa, how useless I am.."

She patted his back, as a tear fell down his eyes.

Before she could say anything, an old lady came and stood in front of both of them.

"Can I help you..??" Seulgi asked as the lady shook her head.

"Dr. Taehyung.." The lady said and Taehyung slowly looked up.

"Remember me..The patient you did the surgery one month ago.." The lady smiled again.

Taehyung just nodded, not knowing what is happening.

Seulgi smiled, as she saw more people coming towards them.

"I am all fine now..And I will be discharged tomorrow. .You are a great doctor..Thank you for your help.." She bowed as Taehyung immediately stood up, stoping her from doing so.

"Wh-what are you"

"Son..Everything you fear for happens and will happen at last..But you have to face it with a smile.." The lady said, patting Taehyung's head, " Thats what you said to me before starting the surgery..Remember. ."

He again nodded.

"We all are grateful to you Doctor..And we all will be..All our life..Please take care.." The Old lady said and more people came forward.

Even the nurses came forward..

"Dr. Taehyung, we all are a big family..and all of us are praying for the well being of GrandMa..Please don't stress yourself.." She said and handed over a water bottle to him.

Taehyung didn't responded, and didn't even moved a bit.

Seulgi took the bottle with a smile.

"Thank you..He just needs some rest.." She said, and the nurse nodded, understanding the situation of their doctor.

"Madam, the surgery will last more than two hours,I guess Dr. Taehyung should rest somewhere..We can clean the VIP ward for him." The nurse said again and went away to do the thing, when she received a nod from Seulgi.

Seulgi opened the bottle and gave it to Taehyung.

"I don't want it.." He said in a low voice.

She still pushed the bottle in his hands, and made him push the bottle towards his mouth.

Knowing that she won't stop anymore, he slowly took a sip and gave her the bottle back.

"If you are not going to obey, I guess I will have to accept the worst methods.." She said again and this time, frustrated, Taehyung gulped down the whole bottle and threw it into the trash can.

Seulgi smiled inside her heart and then stood up.

"I will stay with Grandma, you go and take rest..You haven't slept for a minute in 48 hours.." She pulled him up, and to her surprise , he didn't resisted.

She eventually bought him right where she wanted to.

The VIP ward, totally opposite to the OT section.

There was even fresh food on the table, and she expected it..

She sat him down on the bed, and bought the food in front of him.

"You have to eat something..GrandMa would beat you to death if she finds you starving when she is fighting over there.." She opened the lid of the box and handed him the plate.

He just stared at it.

His muscles and body and bones, were all in pain as he felt the pain in his chest.

He knew this was all emotional, but having a six year degree didn't helped him right now.

He was a emotional fool and now , counting time just like others do.

Seulgi sighed.

"Tae..You gotta eat something.." She brought the spoon near his mouth.

He pursed his lips together.

"I don't want to.." He said in a low voice.

"But you have to.." She said and patted his hands.

He parted his lips a little, allowing the spoon an excess and the food to be dropped inside.

When Seulgi thought that he would eat after this, she found that he won't even dare to move a muscle of his finger.

She consoled herself mentally.

"So I just married a rough man who is a total emotional child inside.." She thought and bought the spoon near to his mouth again.

And he opened it, eating the food slowly.

And that's where she didn't realised, that she actually accepted the marriage in her heart, and so does he, accepted her affection and care in his heart.

The point finally arrived where the flower called love, which was long awaited by Kim Sunhee, was blooming, indirectly making her the cause.

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