Chapter 83

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"Who ever sent that photo.. Meant no good I guess.. "Irene said, pushing the phone back to Yeri.

" Something's wrong.. " You said and everyone turned their head to look at you..

"What's wrong..?? " Seulgi raised her brows.

"No.. If the person have meant some harm.. It wouldn't have been directed to all of us at once.. " Yoongi said.

"Yes.. Don't they know that when we are together.. We can kill more than hundreds..??" Hoseok paced back and forth.

"What if it's a warning..? " Yeri looked at the photo again.

"We gotta find it.. " You stood up, when Seulgi's phone began ringing.

Everyone turned their head, to look at Yeri's phone, which still showed the Photo from years ago.

Seulgi took out her phone and looked at it.

"The place.. Where the first leave fell down, turned itself brown.. And rose itself up from the grounds.. " She read out the text written in bold Blue.

The same with her phone too, nothing worked, but just that text was showing.

"What..?? " You raised brow, and took the phone from her.

"Is that a riddle for us.. ?? " Yoongi took Yeri's phone, and tried to analyse the picture.

"What did the riddle said..?? " Hoseok asked again.

"The place where the first leave fell down, turned itself brown and raised up from the grounds..?? " You read it back for him.

"First leave fell down..?? Turned brown.. But leaves look beautiful when they fall down.. And they just fall on the ground.. How can it fly up..?? " Irene shrugged, as she pointed out her opinion.

Hoseok's eyes widened as he looked at her.

"The First Leave.. It's you dumbhead.. " Hoseok shook Irene as she frowned, and looked at the others, who were confused as well.

"You all... Why did I raise kids like you.. " Hoseok sighed, "The first leave.. Which fell down.. And then turned brown.. And then flew up.. Irene.. Fell down at first.. Was the first person to join us.. "

"It means.. My.. House..?? " Irene pointed at herself..

"We guess.. Yes.. " You said, throwing the car keys at her.

She hesitated, as Yoongi patted her back.

"It's alright.. We all are together.. We will throw all the thoughts away together.. " He said, as she nodded.

And everyone of you, rushed out of the base towards the Place, where it all started.

Irene slowly entered inside the house, which held the beautiful, and the worse memories of her life.

"Save me... Please leave me.. I have my kids.. Dal.. How can you do it..?? "

"Dada.. Momma.. Wants momma.. "

"Where are they taking mother..!! Dadda.. "

Two shots were heard, as two small bodies fell down on the blood pool.

Irene clenched her eyes close, as a tear fell down.

"It's alright.. " You whispered, taking her hand..

Hoseok took her hand from the other side, and smiled warmly at her.

Irene took a deep breath in, and looked back at everything.

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