Chapter 51

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Soon Jinae and Namjoon reached their destination.

The Griffin Bar ..

Namjoon came out of the car and opened the door for Jinae.

A man dressed like a waiter was waiting for them.

Namjoon and the waiter exchanged few words and he handed his keys to the waiter.

After that, he asked her once again..

"Can I hold your waist.."

Jinae melted under Namjoon as innocent as well as gentle expression and just nodded in response.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and both of them walked in.

The restaurant was silent and apart from the staff there was no one..

"You booked the whole restaurant..??" Jinae was shocked to the core.

"I didn't wanted anyone to spoil our first date.." He whispered near her ears.

The manager greeted them with a big smile and asked them to follow him.

"This is my favourite place to come.." Namjoon said as both of them came on the area which was like a balcony.

It was beautifully decorated with yellow lights and desert was already arranged there.

"It feels like a proposal for marriage" Jinae thought to herself and calmed her fiercely beating heart.

By now, the sunset had already happened and the sky had started to turn dark second by second.

Namjoon and Jinae sat close with each other on the chair, looking at the beautiful sky together.

"You were about to tell me something.." Jinae reminded him and he nodded with a smile..

" know I don't like to beat around the bush"

She nodded and waited for him to continue..

"From the time you started working here, it is four months...and by spending time with you..I come to know that I have a liking for my opinion, if I have to date someone..I will keep her close to me always..and she will be the only one..I did a lot of thinking are quite right for me.."

Though the voice which was coming out of his mouth was stern, and quite gentle but cold, the tip of his ears were turning red.

Jinae noticed it and smiled in her heart.

But little did Namjoon know that her heart was beating so crazily under his gentle gaze. .

"We spend most of our time together, sometime doing surgery or making rounds or just resting in the hospital...i know life outside our hospital is different, but i am sure that spending more time with each other..we can be good for each other..And..that's why..I arranged everything like ask you for being my one and only partner in my life..For being my girl friend for now..and when you are sure..My Wife.."

He gently held Jinae's hands and then looked at her face.

She nodded and then he bent down to kiss her knuckles softly.

"These rose signifies my promises...The Red rose signifying that you are the beauty that filled my life with love and passion..The white rose tells you that you are the heavenly innocence and purity, which is lightening up my dark and cold world..The Dark Pink rose is my appreciation and gratitude for you, thank you for entering up in my world,...The light pink is the admiration I hold for you, and the sweetness you have dissolved in my life..The yellow one is signifying that no matter what, we will be each others friends first..and lovers later..It is also signifying our new beginning together..The Orange rose, is the desire and enthusiasm I feel for you everytime I am close to you..I can stand still for hours under anyone, but under your gaze for seconds ,I melt down..The Peach rose is the sincerity in my actions , I won't just say, but prove it to you by my actions..The Lavender is the enchantment o felt for you when I saw you for the first time..And that rose, which have Yellow colour but Red Tips, it's my sign to tell you, that I am falling in love with you..And the last one, Red And White together in a couple..They signify that I will always trust in you and be unified with matter what the circumstances are.."

He kissed her hands again .

And then looked up at her eyes, piercing into her soul..

"Give me a prove my love" He whispered to her .

Jinae have never felt this much love ever in her life.

She stared deep into his eyes, looking for any sense of lie or cheat, but..everything that she saw in them was love and love...

She hesitates at first  but that hesitation flew away when he explained everything , staring into her eyes.

She nodded.

"Namjoon..I would like to fall in love with you.." She said, in a low voice.

The happiness that urged in Namjoon was different and he leaned over to embrace her tightly.

He wished in his heart that she would be the one , and decided ,that he would never let go of her..

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