Chapter 12

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Everyone were standing in the burial ground, looking down at the ground.

Irene was kneeling down, looking at the pile of dust, with tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Jimin pulled the hem of your shirt, and you looked at him.

"Who died..? " He whispered to you.

"It's her father" You said, as you looked back at Irene and clenched your fist.

Nothing changed,
Even after getting revenge, she is broken.
More broken then yesterday,
Even after avenging the death of her mother and two twin brothers, she is still crying, because the person who was lifeless in front of Irene was, her own Father.

Why lif have to be merciless for people, who haven't done anything ...

Jimin held your hand and you looked at him.

"Dont worry, it will pass" He said and you nodded.

You bent down, and knelt near Irene.

"Baby, let's go okay.. " You said as you put your hands around her shoulder.

She looked at you, her face was worn.
She smiled and nodded.

You helped her up and turned around with her.

She looked back at her father for the last time, and turned back.

"Let's go now" Irene said and everyone nodded.

Everyone of you went back into the mansion.

The whole mansion was silent, everyone knew that pain from where Irene was going through.

The life was miserable for all of you.

None of them had love in their life, and that's what connected you all, and you all gave love to each other, completing each other's lives.

Irene sat in her room, in one corner, holding her necklace tightly.

"I miss you all now.. " She said, clenching her necklace more tightly...


"Momma.. I am 15 years today... Will you let me buy that dress" Bae Joo Hyun said, as she pulled her mother by her hand, into the dress store.

"Baby.. That will be too costly.. I will buy you another one.. Okay..? " The lady said.

"Okay... Let's go home.. Both the monsters would be waiting for me.. " Joo Hyun said as she started walking to her home, with her mother.

As her mother opened the door, the two twins ran and climbed on Irene.

"Joo Hyun, Joo Hyun... We have a surprise today.. " The younger one said.

"Hash.. I told you don't call me by my name.. Both of you are younger than me.. "Joo Hyun said as she pinched his cheeks.

"Otay otay" Another one said and pulled her by her arm.

"There is an uncle here.. He said he is fathers friend.. He even gave me car and chocolates" The younger one said and Joo Hyun's and Her mothers eyes widen.

Her Mother came forward and hid the twins behind her...

She picked up an umbrella from the stand, and started walking slowly..

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