Chapter 14

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The Private Jet landed, and there came out a man, holding both sides of his coat.

He bent down a little to come out of the door of the plane, and stepped down the stairs, while the people and guards standing on the ground, looked up at him, with eyes of fear ...

Another man came out from behind of Gong, he held two different laptops in one hand and was holding a gun in another, which was drained in blood.

Lan and Gong came down and entered the car, without even greeting the person, called Vadim, who came all the way from his mansion and base in the country side, to pick them up.

Vadim, also know as the powerful ruler of Russian mafia, was present there to pick them up, but Gong didn't even bat an eye to him and entered the car.

As the black bulletproof car went out of the area, Vadim clenched his fist in anger .

But all he could do was sit in his car and drive to where Gong and Lan were heading to..

His territory was big, and massive, but he still can't protest his rights in front of this man, Gong.

After the five cars departed from that area, two men came out of the plane, holding a body of a lady, who looked in her late twenties..

The lady had her body covered with blood and was unconscious.

The two men threw the body in another car which was waiting for them, and drove off from there.

The car which carried the lady was silent, as no one was allowed to speak in work time, but to ease the atmosphere, one man spoke up.

"Why this lady was beaten... Almost to death" He said, as he turned the steering wheel to the right..

"Don't you know.. She is a spy.. " Other man, who was smoking his cigar, said, throwing his smoke out of his mouth.

"Pity her.. Why they send women to be spies.." The Man on the driver's seat spoke again.

"They all know that Women are weakness for Gong.. For that blood sucking man.. " Other man said, as he three the cigar out from the window.

They were taking different route to the mansion, and hence they were traveling alone.

After one whole hour of silent driving, they reached the territory of Vadim.

With that, they rolled up their window panes, and turned off the radio which was working in the car.

Only their gun, which had two silver stars, was in their hands.

Everytime their car stopped at the stopped, they would roll down the windows, and show their two silver starred gun to the man holding a rifle, with only one black star, which was not easily visible.

The man outside, would bow down to them and open the big metallic doors for them and stepped back.

The car would speed up and enter the prohibited areas..

They first passed the deserted areas, which took them half hour with the speed of 110mph ... Then they entered the forest area, which was dense in the beginning and then turned a little deserted and thin..

Then again it turned dense and in the middle of the forest, stood a biggest mansion anyone could imagine.

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