Chapter 44

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"You have a nice's clean..!!" Seulgi said as she looked everywhere.

"My Grandmother lives with me..but right now she is in's just me right now" Taehyung put down his shoes in the rack.

He was about to stand back up when his eyes caught a drop of red liquid on the ground.

He frowned and then looked forward..

There were more of them.

He looked up at the end of drop path , and saw Seulgi.

His eyes widen as he saw the still wet red patch on her shirt.


Seulgi looked at his face and then looked at herself .

"ITS BLOOD..YOU ARE BLEEDING..!!" He shouted and she jumped up in sudden shock.

"It's just blood, not nuclear waste..chill" She said and touched her wound.

"But..but how did it..??" Taehyung asked pointing at her stomach.

" I was stabbed twice there.." She shrugged her shoulders and his eyes widen.

"Where is the knife then..and.aren't you dizzy..??" His eyes were still wide.

"I have to take it out..or else I won't be able to fight..and Dizzy..Uhm..maybe I am used to it.." She said and turned away, " I am sorry to ruin your floor, please clean this up later..I am a clean freak.."

She walked away from there and started to look at the house.

Taehyung was still frozen on his spot until he saw Seulgi stumbling in her steps.

He ran inside with na*ed feet and catched her before falling.

".I am used to it.." He mimicked her voice and gently held her in his arms in bridal style.

"Well,  I am Human too.." She mumbled in a low voice and her eyes closed down after that.

The dizziness took over her head.

He shook his head and took her inside the bedroom.

" bedsheets.." He pouted but then put her down on the bed.

The blood made a stain on the bedsheets and the covers.

"Alright..Let's do this..I am a doctor.." He said and rolled up his sleeves.

"But.." He stood up and took few steps back.

"She is a can I touch her..and even removing her shirt..NO..!!!" He shook his head vigorously.

"But I have done surgeries on various ladies..I can do this too" He bend down on his one knee and held the hem of her shirt.

"NOO.." He stood up and took a few steps back, " She is my wife..and on top of that..she doesn't even like touching.."

He sighed and again bend down on both of his knees, "Yes..she is my what it is contract..!!"

"But why do I feel it is wrong..??" He mumbled.

"I have to save matter what.." He mumbled again and then slowly held her Shirt when she held his hands tightly.

"What are you doing..??" Her low voice reached his ears and he looked at her face.

Her face had a glint of redness around her cheeks and her eyes were filled with moisture.

"I..I am trying to save you.." He said and she smiled lightly.

"Then why are you trembling" she let go of his hand and then rested her hand and head on the bed.

"Do it or leave it..I can call my men to do it.." She closed her eyes and he just stared at her face.

He rolled his sleeves more upwards and then slokwly shifted her shirt upto her chest.

So that only her stomach is visible and the wound is clear in his eyes.

He cleaned her wound and bandaged it properly.

Seulgi was already drifted in her deep sleep .

He shook his head and went out, leaving her alone in the room.

It was 2 in the night when Seulgi opened her eyes.

She slowly sat up and looked at her body.

The blood stained clothes were still on and everywhere near where she was, was red in coloured due to her.

She sighed and stood up from there.

"I think he have given me painkillers" She touched her bandaged wound and then stood near the window.

"I heard you were attacked..??" Yeri's voice asked from the other side.

"How do you know..??" Seulgi asked on the call looking at the empty sky.

"Era knew it..that's how we all came to know.." Yeri answered and Seulgi nodded.

"Alright..I have already checked..They were not Gong's men..But they were not Korean too.." She said.

"I will bring my men for the search..You don't worry and register your marriage tomorrow. ." Yeri reminded her and she rolled her eyes.

"Take care of your business " She said and a chuckled was heard from the other side.

"How is your wound..??" Taehyung asked as he came in  with a tray of food.

"Well, I see you are doing your great job as my Husband.." Seulgi chuckled as she came out of the bathroom .

She was wearing the bathrobes around her body, and her wet hairs were on both side of her face.

The water was still dripping down her hairs.

"I..uh..we..Yeah..I..yes..I am a I should take care of my patient..PATIENT..Why did you take a bath when you were should not wet the-"

"Shut up.." She turned away and looked at the mirror.

"I know what I am doing.." She said again and started to gently wipe her hairs with the towel, "I just wanted to remove the smell of blood from my body.." She sighed and Taehyung nodded.

He put down the tray on the bed and took out some clothes for himself from the wardrobe.

"We need to go to the marriage registration office and then to my going to come home today.." He turned to look at Seulgi, " uhm...I know I am crossing the limits but can you accompany me to take her..She..she would like it" He looked down on the ground.

Seulgi smiled and stood up.

"Okay..We will go together after registering the marriage.." She smiled and his eyes brightened up.

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