Chapter 16

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Jimin completed his lunch, and then went out of the house, wanting to take a stroll around here and there.

He came down with the elevator and left the building, dancing happily.

He had planned to meet his friend today. Though he have not informed him about it, but he knows where his friend works.

Jimin wanted to take something for his friend, but his pocket was empty which made his heart stiff..

He turned around from the food stall, and was about to walk away, when he heard a cry.

He looked around and saw that a child was crying badly, sitting under the tree..

"Hello sweetie, why are you crying..? " Jimin asked as he squatted near the little girl.

She sobbed and looked at Jimin.

Her small hands instantly held Jimin's hands and she looked up at the tree.

Following her gaze, Jimin also looked up and was shocked when he saw a dog on one branch, trying his best not to fall down.

Jimin's eyes widen and he stood up.

"Hey girl, how did it go up? " Jimin asked again and she shook her head.

The girl of age, near five to six years, pulled Jimin's hands and pleaded with her eyes.

"Bring... Him.. Down.. " She said, sniffing, pointing at the dog.

The dog also looked at Jimin with pleading eyes.

Jimin's heart melted at the sight, and he decided to help the little girl.

He climbed up the tree, which was easy at first, and became difficult, but he made it in the end.

He opened his arms and the dog ran in Jimin's arm.

Surely, the dog was more scared, he wasn't aged much though.

He then decided to come down, with the dog in one arm, but his leg slipped and he fell down on his back..

The dog was okay, because Jimin held it between his arms, so that he can be safe.

As Jimin landed on the ground, a groan left his mouth, and the dog ran to the little girl, licking her face.

The little girl hugged the dog and after they had their small emotional reunion moment, both of them ran to Jimin to help him up, who was now sitting, leaning his body on the tree.

" You.... Got... Hurt..?? "The girl said again and Jimin shook his head.

" Are you okay..? "Jimin asked and smiled at the girl, who kissed Jimin's cheeks.

" Thank... You" she said again and ran from there.

Jimin was frozen for a moment and snapped out when the dog licked his face, and also ran following that girl.

He looked at those two, and then slowly stood up on his own feets.

"Ahh.. I will never climb up the tree again" Jimin said, and limped slowly, back on his way.

You walked in the hospital gates, carefully, as to not get caught by someone whom you didn't wanted to meet.

" DR. ERA" The voice echoed the whole corridors and everyone's attention went towards you.

You sighed and then smiled at everyone, who started to greet you again after this whole week holiday.

"You are back" Taehyung said and put his hands around your shoulders.

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