Chapter 90

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The man in all black tux, stood patiently near the Picture wall, staring right down at the bustling city. The city which looked quite new but yet again, was all still familiar to him.

Jimin?” Seoung called him out as he entered the conference hall, with Munhee looking at him with loveable eyes, “How are you feeling?”

“I don’t know it…yet?” He blurted out wanting to walk forward but stopped.

What are you thinking?” Munhee held his hand, worried again.

“It is nothing I guess” He whispered to himself but loud enough for his parents to hear.

Is it about the conference, don’t worry, I know you will make it better and would prove yourself... You deserve it...” Seoung patted his son’s back...

“I was made like this just because of her” He sighed, taking out his wallet and looking at the small photograph.

The couple held each other in their arms and smiled widely, the female looking at the camera and the male looking at her.

Munhee tiptoed, “It is so doubtful that she is the same Era we know, or I say, Kiara”

Mother” He rumbled the wallet back into his pockets.


Let’s just discuss things later, it’s the time for the press conference” Seoung sensed the tension developing in the area and held his wife by her waist, pulling her back to him, “Jimin, walk out when you feel Okay

The couple walked out as Jimin sighed again.

“I just want to meet you, it’s already a week” He mumbled, looking at his phone, “Can’t we just even call once”

He slid his phone into his pocket as he was called out.

The car sped up again as you placed your earphones in and looked at the small screen of your phone.

He looks as if someone placed at an unfamiliar place, making them dressed up as a scapegoat” You chuckled as you saw Jimin walking on the stage in front of everyone, “He looks confident”

As I said before, Today is the day when I am going to reintroduce my heir, My Son who we found again after years of struggle…” Seoung said on the mic, pointing towards Jimin as he straightened his back.

He looks like a kid, I want to pick him up and shower him with all the kisses” You smiled again, looking at the screen showing Jimin, getting ready to offer his speech and welcoming all the guest under his guidance, ”Who thought this all would happen

The sigh left your mouth but before you could further watch, the car took a steep turn making your whole body hit the door, your phone falling down from your hands.

“What happened?” You shouted, trying to find your gun under the car seats but failing.

You leaned forward, opening up the partition between the driver’s seat and the back seat of the car, “Are we being follow-”

Before another word could leave your mouth, the car again took another turn making you fall down on the car floor.

What is happening?” You groaned, trying to get up and look outside the window, finding that there is no car following you.

Your eyes widened at the sudden realisation.

what happened, what is this rush about?” Yoongi stepped out of his room, hearing the voices fighting over in the main area of the mansion.

ANYTHING FOR YOU (JIMIN X READER) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ