Chapter 56

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"What are you saying..?? " Yeri asked again, glancing at the picture and back at Yoongi.

He nodded slowly.

Uncle Okra, who was managing the counter, looked at Yoongi and Yeri, who were standing in the corner.

He smiled and went over to them.

"This is my family picture, we took before my son and his small family went missing.. " He said and Yoongi and Yeri, turned their face to look at him.

Okra looked at Yoongi's composure, and touched his forehead.

"Hey Young man.. Why are you so pale.. And trembling.. Are you not well.. " He said and Yoongi held his hand.

"Are.. Are you.. Min.. " Yoongi cleared his  throat , his eyes, forming tears, " Are you Min Okra..?? "

He finally asked, what he was waiting and fearing for.

Uncle Okra tilted his head and frowned, "Haven't you looked at the board outside..??"

The tears which were still trying their best to not fall out, finally fell down.

Yeri smiled as she looked at Yoongi, and then at Uncle Okra.

"I.. I... " Yoongi's voice cracked as he tried to speak more.

From his childhood, he only had a vague memory of his Mother and Father's facial features, which he kept with himself, by drawing them again and again.

Though, he had a small picture with him, which was teared away in the accident which happened years ago, but it was the similar to the one he saw today.

The time when the accident happened, was when he was just five years old, and then, in fronts of his eyes, His parents were shot to death, by the man who was well built.

His face was what Yoongi never forgot, even after living in the Hand Made Hell by Gong for four years, he remembered his face.

Uncle Okra frowned as he saw Yoongi being so desperate.

"Is something wrong with your friend lady..??" He asked to Yeri, who snapped out.

"Uncle... " Yeri smiled even more, when she patted Yoongi's back.

"Yoongi, go ahead.. Everything will be fine.." She said, as Yoongi glanced back at her, and then at Uncle Okra.

Yoongi immediately dug out his wallet from his pocket, and then took out the small paper, which was laminated.

He then, opened his collar and took out the locket which was tied around his neck.

As Okra looked at the paper in Yoongi's hands, his eyes widened.

He snatched the paper from his hand, and stared at it.

It was the similar, but half teared photograph, which was hanging on the wall..

"How.. How... Did you find it.. " Okra caressed the photos with his wrinkled hands, and then looked at Yoongi, who was holding the locket in his hands.

"This.. " He touched the locket around Yoongi's neck, and swallowed the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"My.. Mother gave it to me when I was young.. And this photograph is the only belonging I have.. " Yoongi said, his eyes forming a little smile.

A loud crash was heard, and all three of them turned to look at the lady standing behind the counter.

Tears came out of her eyes as she looked at Yoongi.

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