Chapter 25

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Tears were flowing out of her eyes continuously.

"Kiara.." Her voice cracked and you pulled her into a hug.

"Shh..Its okay..I am here.." You patted her back and she let out everything she was holding in.

"Kiara...I can't. .I can't erase it from my lips..I can't ..." Her breathing became uneven and you embraced her tightly. ..

"It don't have to be erased...It doesn't even exist..Alright..It doesn't exist.." You patted her back and she nodded through the hug.

Her sobbing became a little light and then she pulled out of the hug.

"Ohh my God..Look at your face..Leti me click just one photo to send Joy and Irene and Yeri .." You took out your phone and she instantly looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"Aish..I look so bad.." She washed her face and you chuckled.

"Let's go back ,or else they will worry about us.."

She nodded and both of you walked out of the washroom to the venue.

"And we all were sitting around Taehyung like this.." Jimin gestured his hands in a circle," And we interrogated him like people to in TV" He said and a chuckled left your mouth.

"And what did you do there..??"

"I remembered everything so that I can tell you.." He smiled widely and a soft chuckle left your mouth.

"You are cute " You said and pinched his both cheeks reflexively.

"I am not cute.." He pouted and brushed your hands away.

You stared at him for a second into he turned his face away.

"You are more cute when you are angry.." You said and he turned back to face you.

"I. Am.not.cute." He stared deep into your eyes.

"And what if I say you are..??" You crossed both of your hands on your chest and stared back at him.


He held both of your arms and pinned you to the wall.

But before your head could hit the wall, he placed his hand under your head and cushioned it.

"I had to show you , that what am I when I am not being cute.." He said, his voice holding a sense of tease in itself and his eyes going to your soul through your eyes .

His breathing was calm, but because of his sudden action your breathing became uneven and your chest rose up high in rhythm.

You were lost in your thoughts when a voice spoke in your mind.

" You loose your guard in front of him Kiara.. Where is the wall you created..??" The voice in your mind snapped you out.

You moved your hand in a way , that now his hands were in your hands.

You pulled him to the wall and then his back was facing you, while your one hand was on his nape and the other holding his hands back on his body.

" You better not try to be smart with me Kid..Even if you grow up, You won't change in my eyes.." You let go of him and he looked back at you.

"And I am glad that I would never change in your eyes.." He smiled widely and you nodded with a smile.

The next day,

You woke up and got ready till 10 as usual and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Where's Jimin..?" You looked at Jungkook who was preparing the table for breakfast.

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