Chapter 54

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In Australia, The sun didn't set yet in the sky, and it was still having some dark colours.

In a huge Mansion, which covered an area , as long as naked eyes could see..

Several men were standing as guarding the place, and more than dozens of servants were working everywhere..

It's garden was as huge as an art hall, having more than  every possible flower breed can exist.

The Entrance had a big wooden door, which was made by expensive material and behind those door, was a mesmerizing mansion..

The natural stone floor was shining in the bright light of golden and yellow bulbs.

Everything was decorated in an exotic and expensive manner, and everything screamed only one thing, RICH..

On the Couch ,which was made of a really bouncy and high quality sponge, there laid a beautiful lady..

Her age was not more than 50, and her face was like a pearl..

She was resting on her husband's lap, who was caressing her head gently and continuously without even taking a break for once..

Anyone who would see this scene, would say that the man is her wife's puppy...

And he even had no problem with that..

Everyone who see this couple, would say that the offspring they will have ,would be the greatest and most influential plus a handsome man or a woman..

There peace time was interrupted by a petite man who came running inside .

The Husband frowned, and asked in a low tone...

"How dare you come inside without informing..Don't you know this time is for my wife..She is resting..get out"

Though his voice was low, but it was so threatening that any man could tremble under it.

But The man didn't even budge, panted and then slowly tip toed to his master.

"Boss..This..Have a look at it.." He passed him a file and stopped back, with his hands behind his back.

The Husband opened the file, and read everything that was mentioned..

With every word that he read, his eyes got widened more..

"Are you sure about this information..?" He came back to his form and asked his assistant.

The Assistant nodded without hesitation and smiled..

"Boss, I have checked it five times..and it turns out to be true.."

The Husband stooped caressing his wife's hairs and took a deep breath.

"Mun Hee..Mun Hee.." He gently patted his wife's cheek and said in the most gentle tone he could use.

The lady who was resting, frowned and slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that her husband was waking her up, she turned her face, buried it into his stomach and hugged him tightly..

"Mr.Park Seung, your wife is taking a good sleep..Please let her rest.." She whined and closed her eyes again. .

The Man called Park Seung, shook his head and then bowed down and kissed her cheeks.

"I think we have found him..he is currently in South Korea, Seoul..We should go leave and find him.." He said and the wife opened her eyes abruptly. .

She looked at her Husband for a second and then jumped up and held his hands..

"Are you sure its him..Hav you checked it.." Her voice sounded desperate and sweet..

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