Chapter 38

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You and Yoongi were driving back to your home when a familiar figure caught your eyes.

You stopped your car near him and rolled down your window.

"Are you heading back  home..??" You asked and the man looked at you.

"Oh..Dr.Era " Jungkook gave a wide smile, " Yeah..I am going back..We are having a good feast today.." He showed the bags in his hands and you chuckled.

"Why don't you come in then..I am also going back..My work's over.." You smiled and looked at Yoongi.

He nodded and Jungkook hesitated.

"Un..If.if you insist then.." He didn't wanted to walk to that long distance with so many bags in his hands.

He immediately got up on the back seat of the car and you drove of from there.

Jungkook felt that there was a strange coldness trapped in the car.

As if, the winds of antarctica had made their home in it.

He noticed that how you and Yoongi didn't talked even when if it was necessary..

But he stayed silent because he didn't knew what he could say between two best friends.

He himself won't like it if anyone else would speak up between him and Jimin.

The drive to your apartment was silent but smooth.

But the moment you got out of your car, you felt this feeling in yourself.

That something really weird or maybe worst is gonna happen.

And your instincts have never been wrong.

You slowly walked to the elevator followed by Yoongi and Jungkook.

The moment you unlocked the door, a loud laughter was heard.

You knew this laughter.

"Someone's here..??" Yoongi asked before you can say anything.

"What is Su Yao doing here..??" You frowned as you recognised.

Yoongi tilted his head as he tried to remember this new person.

He knew every person entering in your life but this name doesn't ring the bell in his head.

You went in to the living room and saw Su Feng sitting on Jimin's lap while Su Yao sitting closely to Jimin on his right side.

But before you could say anything, a loud crash was heard.

You turned back and saw that the bags Jungkook was holding, all were lying on the ground.

And Jungkook, stood frozen on his spot as he saw a ghost.

Because of that noise, Su Yao and Jimin turned to look at your direction.

Just as Su Yao's eyes caught up with Jungkook, she stood up abruptly and breathed heavily.

"It's. .It's you..?" Jungkook's words came out of his mouth with the lot of struggle.

Jimin frowned and looked at Su Yao with a confused expression..

His best friend knew this person but he never heard of it.

How come is it possible.

But he frowned more when he saw Su Yao trembling.

Su Feng feared as she saw her mother in this condition and immediately jumped and Hugged Su Yao.

Subconsciously,  she catched her daughter and looked at her.

Her eyes widened and then she looked back at Jungkook.

Jungkook blinked and then pointed his finger at Su Feng.

" daughter..??" He stammered as his words came out.

"WHAT..?!" You and Jimin both were shocked with what just he said.

Taehyung was getting nervous for his new blind date.

Although it would be his 7th blind dare, but this time it was done by you.

He trusted you and was knowing that the person selected by you won't be bad.

Uncle Okra and Aunt Yuri were excited as they saw Taehyung getting anxious again and again.

Everytime anyone entered he looked up anxiously and then wiped the sweat forming on his forehead.

This time too, when he heard the door open , he looked up and then frowned.

Why was it like everytime he had to bump into her again and again.

Seulgi looked everywhere after giving Uncle Okra and Aunt Yuri a smile.

Her eyes landed on Taehyung and she blinked twice.

Why has her luck been so stupid nowadays.

She have already planned to avoid meeting Taehyung because of the Yesterday's incident, but now, he was here again.

But Taehyung was not the motive of her coming here today.

She was here for the blind date you arranged 

She sighed and then sat on another table, which was opposite to Taehyung.

Taehyung and Seulgi were facing each others back .

"Its good I don't have to see someone's face because I am here for a good thing.." Taehyung mumbled , but as they were just close to each other, Seulgi heard it.

"It's good that I am on a diet of not beating anyone, or someone might not have able to do their GOOD work" She mumbled to herself and Taehyung breathed a long breath in.

Aunt Yuri nudged Okra and he looked at his wife.

"Why are they sitting differently..?? " She asked .

"I am not their Grandpa that I know it.. " He said and she frowned.

"Why not do something for them..? They look good together.. " Aunt Yuri said and he shook his head.

"Young couple nowadays are different.. we shouldn't interfere-" But before he could complete, she interrupted him.

"Look look... They are calling someone..!! " She said excitedly and he shook his head.

His wife was same even after these many years of marriage.

And he was really grateful of that.

He leaned down and kissed Aunt Yuri's cheeks and her eyes widen.

"Wh.. What.. What was that for..?? " She blushed lightly and touched her cheeks.

"You were being too cute right now.. " He said and she nudged him again and diverted her whole attention to 'THAT' young couple.

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