Chapter 10

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The man threw the three bodies in the base.

The hands and legs of the bodies were tied tightly.

A man was sitting on a chair, smoking his cigar. He cracked his neck and then raised his hand.

The guards who were standing beside him, nodded and then bought a bucket full of water.

The guard threw the water, which was ice cold, on your face and you opened your eyes in pain.

Your eyesight was still blurry, but you tried to sit up.

But you fell down again due to the dizziness in your head, and your hands were tied, so you were not able to handle your body.

"There there.. " The man who was sitting on the chair, threw his cigar on the ground. He stood up, crushing the cigar with his shoes and then walked towards you.

"Help her sit up.. Our Queen is lying on the ground.. " He said and two men came, pulling you up by your arms, making you stand up.

Your head was dizzy, but then you were able to see clearly.

"Where did you bought me..? " You said, glaring at the man.

"Just one of my favorite places where I love to torture people.. " He chuckled, and then pointed at your right.

"Look there.. They are sleeping so peacefully, what if I wake them up.. " He said and another two guards came with bucket of water.

The ice cold water landed on Irene's and Yoongi's face, and they shut open their eyes.

"Ugh.. " Yoongi said, as his eyes were still not fully open.

"Ah.. " Irene groaned, trying to get up, but the dizzy put her back on the ground.

"Don't worry.. My men will help you.. " The man said, and the guards came back, pulling them up.

The man went back to his chair and sat there.

The guards tied your hands on the poles, making you hang on them.
Same was done with Yoongi and Irene.

"Gong is so scared, that he sent his right hand to us.. " Irene said, glaring at the man sitting in front of them.

"You know quite few things.. IRENE.. " The man said , smirking at her.

"I don't want to see your ugly face .. Please stay in the dark.. " Irene said, turning her face away.

The man stood up and then approached you. He grabbed your cheeks, squeezing them.

"DARE TO HARM HER DAL... I WILL CUT YOUR BOTH HANDS.." Yoongi shouted, trying to break free from the ropes.

"Oh my, what a beautiful family is this.. " Dal chuckled and then walked towards Yoongi.

"Then I will harm you " Dal said and picked up the iron rod from the ground.

He started hitting Yoongi.

Yoongi groaned in pain, but not even a tear or shout escaped from him.

"If you dare then open our hands.. Let's see who wins after that.. " You said, struggling from the iron chains around your hands.

Dal looked at you, and then smirked.
He started hitting Yoongi with more pressure.

Blood was coming out of Yoongi's body.

His shirt became soaked with red, and he coughed, throwing blood from his mouth.

You pulled your hands from the chains, but it was still a struggle, which failed.
Your hands bruised.
Blood dripped down from your wrist, but the Chains didn't even break now.

Dal stopped for a moment, and Yoongi looked up at him.
He glared at Dal.

"You are tired.. " Yoongi said, laughing at Dal.

Dal smirked again and then threw the iron rod on the ground.

"Not tired.. But I got another good idea.. " He said, walking away from Yoongi.

The guards bought another iron rod, which was flaming red because it was hot.

"This idea.. Do it.. I am not afraid of you.. " Yoongi said, and cracked his neck.

"It's not for you.. " Dal said, grabbing his face and then throwing him back.

He approached you, and then Yoongi looked at you.

You just stared at Dal, making his move.

The hot iron came on your body.

The pain that came everytime he hit, gave you pain till your fingernails, making you gasp everytime.

"KIARA.. " Yoongi shouted, pulling his hands away from the ropes.

"DAL STOP IT.. " Irene shouted and then Dal looked at her.

"Now you call me with my name.. " Dal said, and again started hitting you. On your stomach, on your back, on your hands and on your legs .

You felt your bones and body turn numb.

You coughed out lot of blood, and then Dal cupped your face.

"You are so silly to put your nose in Gong's matters.. " He said.

He threw the iron rod on the ground and then cracked his knuckles.

You started laughing.

The only thing that echoed in the whole room was your laugh.

Some of the guards even flinched when they heard you laughing after so much beating, with the hot iron.

"Now you will know that you shouldn't mess with Kiara.. " You said, smirking at Dal.

He looked at you with a raised brow when suddenly a sound of an explosion occurred.

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