Chapter 63

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Lan Hui was standing in front of the Lab Entrance, for the last one hour, from when the doctors started coming in.

When the familiar car came in view, he stopped up, trying to look for the people comming out.

Jinae, Namjoon and Seokjin came out of the car together,  and headed inside.

"Hey Dr. Lan Hui, why are you standing out in the cold.." Jinae greeted him and he bowed ,showing a professional smile.

"I am waiting for Dr. Era..Why aren't you all coming together. .??" He asked.

"Well, Dr. Era is not living together with other doctors..she have some friends over her.." Seokjin simply replied, not giving much attention to it.

Lan Hui nodded , " Alright Doctors..Please head in, I ak looking forward to work with you all.." He bowed again as Seokjin walked in , followed by Namjoon and Jinae .

Lan Hui's eyes caught something and he immediately called out, " Dr . Jinae.."

She turned back with Namjoon and frowned.

"You dropped your earring.." He said, as he picked it up and handed it to Jinae.

She nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Dr. Lan "

He too smiled, but this time ,it was a wide smile rather than his professional one.

Namjoon put his hands around Jinae's waist, and walked in after giving a small nod to Lan Hui, not letting them speak anymore further.

Lan Hui also didn't focused on it, came back on the door and  stood there patiently.

Another car came, and the only person came out of that car was you.

He immediately recognised you and was about to walk over when another person called you.

"Dr. Era.." Professor Lin Ye came out from his car and you greeted him.

"I hope you got my letter yesterday...about being the guide for this research.." Lin Ye said and you nodded.

"I was about to reach out for you for this..Professor, I appreciate your attention towards me..but I am afraid I can't take this opportunity. ." You said, and the smile on the professor's face dropped out.

Lan Hui, who was eavesdropping the conversation from the corner, opened his eyes wide after hearing your rejection.

"It's one in a lifetime opportunity. .and she just dropped it like that..Does she look down on the professor..!!" He mumbled and removed the leaves of the tree behind which he was hiding, to get a better look at the professor's face.

He was shocked when he saw him smiling .

"I thought that you would reject..I have researched your profile quite well.." Lin Ye said and you nodded.

"Then you know it professor..I only got into this research because of the Hospital's pressure..Rest, I don't have interest in it.."

"There are no worries..I will transfer the guidance of this project to someone else..Let's head in .." He said, gesturing towards the gate.

You let him walk forward and followed him behind silently.

Your main motive was just a cover against your Gang .

You never thought of increasing your reach or being famous in any other field, but after being a doctor, your infamous character rose itself, without letting you have a chance to decline.

From the beginning,  you never took part in any research project or lecturing the new students, but still, completing your surgeries made you famous .

Lan Hui, when thought that the way was clear, came out of his hiding spot and then walked in too.

Coming in the desired place for the part of your research, you were welcomed by a warm hug from Jinae.

"Era...!!" She whined as you patted her back.

"What happened. .??"

She pulled out of the hug and looked at you with big sparkling eyes.

"The hotel we are staying in is no good..I even thought of taking a Good hotel, but then found no good hotel near by..and staying with these two men..Makes me bored all my life.." She rested her head on your shoulder and you looked at Seokjin and Namjoon, who didn't even noticed your arrival yet.

"I bet..they are looking down on us as Koreans.." She said again and you chuckled, grabbing the attention of the other two beings present in the laboratory.

Seokjin hurriedly came over and hugged you tightly.

"Finally.." He sighed.

"What happened to you..??" You asked and he pulled out.

"You don't know..When I was assigned room with Namjoon, I thought I will be free..but then Jinae took over my room, and I ran away from there..not wanting to look at their public affection..But the person with who I got partnered with was so so so so so irritating.." He sighed again as you chuckled, trying to control your laughter.

Jinae and Namjoon were also trying hard to do so.

"Don't laugh.." Seokjin glared at both of them and they nodded continuously.

"Why don't you guys come and live with me. ..The hotel is good and it will cost you less too.." You said and all three of them looked at you.

"Is there good food..??"

"Do we have a good bed there..??"

"Is there any peace ..??"

Three of them asked one by one, and you nodded thrice.

"We can leave together after this..but I will only allow you guys , if you won't disturb my privacy. .I am kinda introvert about my room.." You said ,and the three nodded like children, one by one.

After the mutual deal , all of you started to work on the research, so that you all can leave as early as possible.

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