Chapter 41

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Su Yao felt her world breaking down in front of her eyes.

You immediately hurried up and held her hands.

"Calm down..Let's listen what FenFeng has to say first.." You said and patted her back.

You looked up at Jungkook who also was frozen on his spot.

"Su Feng..Do you understood everything we talked..??" You asked and she nodded.

" my..Fuqin( Father in chinese)" Su Feng said and Jungkook fell on his knees.

Su Feng then turned to Su Yao for confirmation.

"Su Yao..Fenfeng is looking at you.." You said to her and then she looked up.

Tears were dwelling up in her eyes.

Su Feng cupped Su Yao's face with her small hands and then wiped the tears which fell down.

"Mama..Bad..People..forget..Fenfeng" She kissed Su Yao's cheeks and a smile crept on her lips.

Su Yao kissed Su Feng's forehead and pulled her into a hug.

"I am sorry baby..It was Mama's fault to not take care of you properly. .I am sorry." Su Yao said and tears still came out.

Su Feng pulled out of the hug and then looked at Jungkook.

" Can you..Baba..?" She blinked twice .

"Y..You accept me..??" Jungkook said as he came close to Su Feng on his knees.

She nodded slowly and Jungkook hugged her tightly.

"I will Never ever leave you Su Feng..Your Baba is sorry..I will take care of you.." He said through the hug.

Jimin's lips itself curled up into a smile when he saw his bestfriend crying happily.

"You..will..take care of me..and Mama.??" Su Feng asked and then Jungkook looked at Su Yao..

He nodded without waiting for any second.

"I will ..I wil take care of you..and your mother.." He said and a bright smile came on Su Feng's face.

"Now I know why she felt so familiar to me.." Jimin mumbled to himself .

You smiled at looking both of them and then looked at Yoongi who came running downstairs.

"You are so good at handling children.." You smiled at Yoongi and he took few steps back.

"Scary Uncle..was..admiring" Su Feng complained and you nodded, looking at Yoongi.

"Oh..Really~" You smiled widely and Yoongi rubbed his nape.

"I am..Sorry..I really didn't knew when she ran away..Is everything clear now..??" He asked looking at everyone's smiling face.

Jungkook stood up with Su Feng in his arms.

"Su Yao..Thank you for raising such an adorable and smart daughter..I..I won't take away her from you..Just as much she needs me, she needs you more than that.." He said looking at Su Yao.

Su Yao nodded.

"But..I..I don't know.." She hesitated until you tapped her shoulder.

"Jungkook, Su Yao..start fresh..even though both of you don't know each other You are connected by Su Feng..So..Let it be slow..We can see what future holds for you.." You said and both of them nodded.

"I am Su Yao..Though I didn't graduated..but..I have studied fully..And right now..I work as a bartender.." Su Yao raised her hands and Jungkook shook it.

"I am Jeon Jungkook, though I don't have any family..But I have Jimin as the only closed member..and also I work in the restaurant. .and also in here.." A smile came up on his face.

"Su Feng..Fenfeng..Mama Baba..Daughter. ." Su Feng shouted and the living room echoed in laughter.

You subconsciously looked at Jimin and your heart skipped a beat again..

You looked away when someone held your hands.

"Era..We have to talk about something.." Yoongi held your hands and dragged you to his room and slam shut the door.

Jimin clenched his fist.

He turned around and went into the kitchen.

"I will bring something for Su Feng and all of you..Have some private time.." He said without looking back.

Though he tried to control his emotions, he couldn't control it in the end.

The glass which he was holding in his hands broke and made a fresh wide cut in his right hand.

"Hiss.." He immediately let his hands under the tap, letting the water run down in his hands .

"Is she..really trying to run away from me..??" Jimin clenched his right hand as your face flashed in front of his eyes.

Jungkook totally understood what was going on in Jimin's mind.

He was surprised when he saw Yoongi sitting in Jimin's seat in the car.

But now, he was sure something happened.

Jungkook snapped out when the pair of little hands wiped his wet face.

"Baba..I ..want to live with you.." Su Feng pouted and then pleaded with her eyes.

Jungkook sighed and then looked at Su Yao.

"Where do you live..??" He asked and her face flushed with embarrassment.

" .." She hesitated.

"BIG HOTEL" Su Feng shouted and Jungkook looked at Su Yao in confusion.

"Uh..that's because Bartending job is highly paid.." Su Yao smiled awkwardly.

"Really..why didn't I knew it..??" Jungkook frowned but then let it go.

"But..that was just rented.." Su Yao said again and then Jungkook looked at her.

" to come and live here..??" He asked looking away.

Su Feng also turned to look at her mother with lots of hope.

"I swear I won't do anything..I will just...we will a mother and Father..nothing else.." He said and raise his three fingers in the air.

Su Yao blinked at looked at the Daughter Father duo, which almost looked like each other.

She couldn't help but chuckle at both of their behaviours.

"Alright " she nodded and Su Feng jumped from Jungkook to Su Yao.

"Un..there's one more thing..I think we should get married..I don't want my daughter to..."

"Alright.." Su Yao smiled at Jungkook.

Until it is related to well being of her daughter, she will definitely do it..

No matter what..

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