Chapter 71

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"Mama, Baba slept...??" Su Feng asked, looking above at both her parents lying beside her .

Su Yao smiled as she kissed her daughter's cheeks.

"He was tired all day working for both of us.." She said in a low voice.

Su Feng immediately got up and Su Yao frowned, holding her hand.

"What happened, where are you going Baby..??" She asked, resting her body on her elbows.

"Su Feng...Won't disturb baba..Sleep..with. .Appa.." Su Feng kissed Jungkook's cheeks and then Su Yao, and jumped down the bed.

She walked out of the room, leaving Jungkook and Su Yao alone.

Su Yao sighed as she covered Jungkook with the blanket.

"Our daughter loves you so much..That she even denied to sleep with her Mama, without whom she can't sleep .." She mumbled to herself .

She rested on her left side and closed her eyes.

Suddenly she felt a pair of big mascular arms wrapping around her body and pulling her behind.

"She loves both of us so much, that she doesn't want to disturb us.." He whispered near her ears, closed his eyes again and dozed off.

She smiled, turning her head and pecking on his lips.

"Good Night love.." She whispered, hiding her face in his chest and hugging him back.

Su Feng peeked in Jimin's room, and to her surprise, the lights were still on.

She looked at the clock on the wall beside her..

It was Midnight.

She looked back inside the room and saw Jimin lying on the bed, while his phone was on.

She tip goes inside and saw your picture on the phone.

She giggled lightly and went back out of the room, only to bump in a big figure.

She looked up.

"Auntie.." She tilted her head, wondering why is everyone awake so late.

"Sweetie..Why are you awake so late..??" Yeri asked as she picked Su Feng up.

"You too.." Su Feng said and Yeri chuckled.

"I am an adult..I have to do things..but you should sleep early.." Yeri said bringing her back to Jungkook's and Su Yao's room.

Su Feng instantly jumped down from her arms, waving her hands continuously.

"Mama, baba, together. ..No.disturb.." Su Feng said and breathed in a lot of air.

Yeri chuckled again, understanding what Su Feng meant.

"So, where were you heading then..?? " She asked as she came down to her level.

"Appa.. " Su Feng said, looking in the direction of Jimin's room.

"Let me guess , he is melting in the memories of your Eomma, so you are left alone now.. " Yeri said and Su Feng looked back at her, nodding.

"Ah little kid, " She took Su Feng's hand, "Why are you so understanding.. Let's go and sleep in my room.. I am already feeling alone right now.."

Yeri walked to the corner of the small corridor.

Just as Su Feng was lying under the sheets, she looked up and asked Yeri.

"Alone..?? "

Yeri nodded, and then shook her head.

Su Feng tilted her head, trying to understand the young lady in front of her.

"I am kind of missing someone.. But I also know he is with me everytime.. " Yeri said, patting her head, which eventually drifted her into sleep.

Yeri stood up, and took out a diary from her drawer.

A photograph fell from it.

"Hey, we looked so young back there.. " She chuckled to herself, caressing the photograph.

She looked up at the clear sky, filled with only stars, no moon.

She smiled, like she heard an answer from the sky, telling her, that he misses her too.

"What happened now..?? " Irene yawned as she entered the base.

Few men ran to her and stood behind her.

"Boss, he is here.. " One of them said, and she turned her face, looking directly in front of her, with her lazy eyes.

"You don't seem affected aren't you.?? " Maxim chuckled, playing with his knife.

Irene took a good look at the man in front of her, and then turned back to face her men.

"Are you serious.. " She whined as she pointed her gun towards Maxim, still looking at her men, "You all, called me from my sleep, just for this stupid b*ll less bast*rd, I mean, can't you even handle such a small ant from A Minimal Russian Mafia..?? "

"Ah, it hurts.. Insults from a pretty mouth of yours" Maxim fake clutched his chest.

"See, he isn't even strong enough for the title of right hand of a Russian mafia.. " Irene sighed.

"Enough, I don't think you will be this arrogant when your Base will be attacked" He stabbed the knife on the glass table beside him, making it shatter into pieces.

"Attacked.. " She scoffed and turned back, "Why don't I see it..?? "

Just as Irene turned back, a knife made it way past her face, and she held it with her bare hands.

"I was giving you chance to walk back.." Irene muttered, loud enough for Maxim to hear.

She threw back the knife and Maxim rolled down form the chair, which got stabbed pretty bad.

Irene pointed her gun towards Maxim, pulling out the safety pin, while Maxim also pointed his gun towards her.

With that, Men standing bend Maxim too pointed there guns at Irene while the one standing behind Irene did the same.

There was a moment of silence between them, until Maxim dropped his gun down to the ground, making his men drop the gun too.

"Its so bad that I don't use weapons on girls" He smirked towards her and she scoffed.

"It's too bad that I am also not into weapons.." She dropped her gun and sprinted towards Him.

He dodged her first attack but was caught in the second, and without even reacting for another moment, he was on the ground, his face making red marks on the blue floor, while his hands held behind his back.

Irene was on top of him and thats when all of Maxim's guards pointed their gun towards her and were ready to shoot.

"Don't. ." Maxim gritted his teeth, and looked over his shoulder.

" You don't even respect me learning Korean all along, my days and night, my sweat and tears, for you guys.." He said, his loss of breath making it difficult for him.

"Хочешь, я похвалю тебя за обучение? (Khochesh', ya pokhvalyu tebya za obucheniye?) (Do you want me to praise you for learning..)" Irene bent down from his back to his ears, " Korean"

His eyes widened as he still looked to her, over his shoulder.

"I am here for friendship, let's drop the fist fight shall we..??"

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