Chapter 58

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You stepped out of the car, and the grand hotel came in your view.

Bai Hong came out of the car and dragged your luggage out, following you behind as you entered inside.

The Manager, who was waiting for your arrival, ran to you as he saw you.

"欢迎老板 (Huānyíng lao ban)(Welcome boss)" He bowed down fully and you nodded.

"我们一直在等待你的到来 (Wǒmen yīzhí zài děngdài de dàolái) ( We wear waiting for your arrival) " He added , as you started walking inside.

"我不想让任何人打扰我 ( bùxiǎng ràng rènhé rén dǎrǎo wo)(I don't want any one to disturb me ) " You went in the elevator and Bahi Hong followed you inside.

The Manager nodded from the outside.

Only when the elevator door closed, he took a sigh of relief and then looked at the other staff, who did the same.

He wiped the non existent sweat from his face and then looked at the staff.

"老板真是冷酷严厉 (Lǎobǎn zhēnshi lěngkù yánlì)( The boss is really cold and strict)" He ordered, regaining his before composure, "任何错误都可能导致您的损失 (Rènhé cuòwù dōu kěnéng dǎozhì nín de sǔnshī) ( Any mistake can lead to your loss )"

The staff trembled as they heard the manager.

"当心 (Dangxin )( Be careful)" He ordered the last and went away, to do his work.

The staff also continued their normal work, but this time, it was accompanied by chitchat, of how their boss is so young and how they have more than four bosses.

The Grand Suite was opened for you, with the card key, and you entered.

Bai Hong, waited for you to settle down , and only spoke when you told him to do so.

"Everything is going as it was before..Minor gangs have started to accept their fates..Some revolts happened but then were suppressed themselves... Along with the Gangs, And hotels owned by you, with some casinos, The total income is more than 10 million , in China.." Bai Hong completely told everything..

He was the next in command, after Hoseok, Yeri, Seulgi, Joy, Irene and Yoongi..

He knew what work he was supposed to do and always does it.

You nodded and asked for his phone.

The same information he told you, was written and more practically showed in the file on his mobile phone.

After reading it, you gave him back and stood up, going over to the mini fridge kept there.

"Any news from other bosses.."

He nodded , and then continued.

"Boss Hoseok have reached Russia as you told him..He is safe and everything there is completed too.. Boss Irene have managed to suppress the revolt in the corners of South Korea, and is going to head back to the main base , back to Boss Joy and Her Husband..Boss Joy and her Husband are going to have twins and Boss Yoongi found his grandparents -"

The glass of wine in your hand slipped down, as you heard the last part.

You turned back to look at Bai Hong, who was standing normally.

"Come back again..!!"

"Boss Joy and Her husband are going to have twins.."

"Not this one..the one with Yoongi..?"

"Boss Yoongi found his grandparents.They own The Min's cafe and Restaurant in Seoul, South Korea.."

You froze on your spot, and silence fell in the room.

Bai Hong waited for your response, and a smile crept up on your lips.

You instantly picked up your phone, to call him, but then waited.

"No..I want to see his face.." You were about to press the video call option when your eyes looked up to Bai Hong, who was waiting patiently.

"Is ther anything else..??" You asked and he hesitated a bit.

You tilted your head and asked again, " I won't eat you.."

"Well, All of us In China , heard a rumour..and wanted to confirm it.."

"What rumour..??"

He swallowed and then said in one go, " We heard that Boss Seulgi is married and now living happily with her husband..!!"

You nodded , " Yes it's true.."

Just as the words came out of your mouth, he froze on his spot.

"Yaaaaaaaaa-" He covered his own mouth ,and looked at you apologetically.

"It's alright..You can go and celebrate.." You said and he bowed down.

He stepped back until he left the room, closed the door and then took a deep breath in.

A smile still formed on his face.

He took out his phone, and said immediately, " 谣言是真的 (Yáoyán shì zhēn de )( The rumour is true )今天我喝的所有饮料 (Jīntiān de suǒyǒu yǐnliào )(All the drinks on me today)" He cut the call and went away happily.

Down in the reception area in the Hotel, a man entered and went directly in.

"Dr. Era, 她住在这里吗 ( zhù zài zhèlǐ ma)(Is she staying here..)" Lan Hui asked the receptionist.

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