Chapter 53

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Yoongi started driving and you were focused out on the sky..

He chuckled and you looked at him with furrowed brows.

"What's so funny..??"

He shook his head.

"I think after Seulgi, it's your turn.."

"You are just daydreaming.." You sighed and turned your head to look at the window again.

"Nah..I am not..You are lost in his thoughts"

"Shut up..It's not like that...I am not loosing my way"

"Yeah if you say so.." He smiled brightly and you sighed.

"You are really happy right..tell me have you done what I told you" You crossed your hands across your chest.

"Check the file in your bag.."

"What..When did you put it here.."

"I have my ways Lady..But the content inside the file won't surprise you.."

You took out the file which was placed on top of everything and read it out..

"Yeah I am not surprised. .I knew she is not just what she looks.. "

"But why do you doubt Su Yao..I find her simple "

You shook your head, sighed and put the file back into your bag..

"Yoongi..There is something which is wrong..Even when you searched it..Everything is so simple..She teaches Su Feng at such a good school, she lived in a five star hotel..Even if she works as a bartendar..She have no cases of molesting which is quite common now..and most of all, her reflexes.."

"I still don't find it amusing.." He said as he looked at you..

"No worries, it's good if there is nothing..but still continue your search.."

He nodded and then the drive became silent..

Soon after driving for half hour, your car reached the Airport..

You came out of the car and Yoongi does the same.

"Take car of yourself..And don't overwork it..You have to manage your both life with ease.." He whispered to you as he held your hands..

You nodded and then took the suitcase from his hands..

Seokjin, Namjoon and Jinae were already waiting for you.

"I am not late right.." You asked and all three of them shook their heads.

"Finally..we are going to have a trip.." Jinae stretched out her hands in the air..

"It's not a trip you stupid..we are going for a research.." Seokjin shook his head and touched his forehead.

"Enough..Put your hands down.." Namjoon held her hands and put it down..

Your eyes widened and you pointed at both of them..

" guys..??"

"Yes..I am seeing their PDA from the time I have arrived.." Seokjin whined and walked over to you..

"NAMJOON..!! You didn't even tell me that you both..Since when this happened..??" You blinked twice and he rubbed his nape.

"Well, I wanted to make sure that she says yes..If I would have told you before..It would be awkward to work together right.." He said and you nodded..

"But that doesn't mean they will show off...I am single and.." Seokjin pouted and went towards you for a hug..

You patted his head and he fake cried on your shoulder.

"Ahem ahem" Yoongi stepped over and pulled you by your hands..

Seokjin almost stumbled and you fell on Yoongi's chest.

"What are you doing..What if Jimin sees you" Yoongi whispered near your ears..

"And I already have one rival..I don't want more" This was what the real thought of his pulling you away from Seokjin.

" too!!!" Seokjin said as he pointed at you and Yoongi.

"No no no no" You waved your hand and stepped away from Yoongi, " It's not like you think..He is My Beat friend "

"I just came here to see her off" Yoongi smiled to everyone ..

"Phew.. I thought that I won't have a partner for the whole trip.." Seokjin wiped his non existent sweat and leaned on your shoulder..

"Uhm..Dr. Seokjin..I guess there should be a particular distance between a man and a woman.." Just as the words from Yoongi's mouth came out, everyone including you looked at him with disbelief and shock.

"Mr. Yoongi..In what Era are we living in...?" Jinae asked, her jaw still dropped on the ground..

Namjoon, who was standing with a no expression face like always, touched her chin and joined her upper lip with the lower lip..

"Close your mouth.." He said in a low voice and everyone snapped out..

"Wow Mate...You have a really old thinking" Seokjin said, putting his arm around Yoongi's shoulder.

Just as you saw Yoongi's expression turning sour little by little, you pulled Seokjin away from him, grabbed Jinae's hand and walked in the airport..

"We will take our leave Yoongi..Go back.."  You said without looking back, and dragged them with you inside..

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