
everything has changed

we finished and i smiled at my mother.

everyone clapped and cheered.

i hugged her and she kissed my cheek.

we put our fists in the air and the claps increased.

"thank you guys so much for coming! sam swift and... now selena swift again! taylor swift everybody!" everyone clapped and whistled and cheered.

we blew kisses and waved.

i put my head on my mom's shoulder as we walked outside.

we walked outside and we bombarded with paps.

i took selena's hand and my mom out her arm around my shoulders, protecting me from them like she used to, making me feel that same fuzzy, safe feeling whenever i'm around her.

we climbed into the car and i said, "oh the trucks probably moved all of our stuff to the new house. let's go check it out. mom call ezra." i said and drove to the address.


we pulled up to the gate and i punched in the code the old owner gave me in the email last night.

"woah..." mom, selena and i said in unison.

we pulled up the long driveway and stopped the car.

we got out and smiled.

"wow...this house is amazing."

"yeah and it's all ours." i said and picked up selena spinning her around.

she giggled and smiled, kissing my lips passionately.

"i love it." she said.

"and i love you."

"i can't believe you bought this house last night." i chuckled.

"guess they really wanted to get rid of it. they said they are moving to florida. i spoke with them this morning. we met at the diner and i did all the paper work and boring stuff. now we got the fun stuff." i said and smiled.

"sam this house is beautiful." mom said.

"thanks." i said and smiled.

"let's look around." i said and a car pulled up.

"hey. thanks for the code tay." ezra got out of his car.

"woah! look mama it's a castle!" jeremy shrieked and ran around.

mandi's jaw was practically on the floor.

i chuckled, "you good mands?"

"you...are gonna live...here?"

selena and i smiled, "yeah. you like it?" selena asked.

"like it? I LOVE IT!" she screamed and ran inside.

we all laughed, "hey ezra." i hugged him and smiled.

"hey sam. nice mansion." i laughed, "thanks."

he kissed selena's cheek, "hey sel."


"well. come on in." i said and led everyone inside.

we walked around and i swear this house is literally my dream house.

there's everything here. beautiful.

there's nearly 2 acres of private land, a gorgeous grand piano on the first floor, gold encrusted side rails of the stairs, a humongous bedroom, there's a lot of bedrooms but the master is the largest, with a 65 inch flat screen in it and a fireplace.

outside is a amazing salt water pool, a hot tub and tennis courts farther in the backyard. there's a lot of grass land and just back patio land.

there's also a pool table in the bar room and another tv and of course a bar.

there are so many rooms, the kitchen is amazing, several bathrooms and an office room, a dining room...everything.

we all sat outside and selena and my mom got a white wine and ezra and i are drinking scotch.

we watched as mandi and jeremy played outside.

"sam, this house is beautiful and amazing. i am actually jealous." mom said.

i chuckled and sipped my drink.

"thanks...i think."

we laughed again.

i rubbed selena's arm and she was sitting on my lap.

"hey mom. ezra we wanted to talk to you about something." i said nervously.

mom looked at us and so did ezra.

"what's wrong?" ezra asked.

"well. nothing's wrong it's just...we want a fmaily and selena and i have talked it over a few times and decided that we want kids mom."

her face wasn't angry she was nodding and asked, "how would you do that?"

i looked at selena, "well, while adopting would be great and all, we want a baby of our own and i did my research. we both want part in this baby so if we go to the hospital to get a sperm donor, they can take my eggs and selena's too and put them and the sperm into selena and we'll see our chances."

"can you mix your eggs together? is that possible?" mom asked.

(it really isn't but since this is a fanFICTION just roll with it guys thanks lol)

"it may cost a lot but yeah. i talked to a specialist and he said it doesn't usually happen but if we wanted to then they could but for a higher price." selena said.

"and selena will carry?" ezra asked.

"yeah. we were planning on going later today at like 6." i said.

mom and ezra smiled, "we're happy for you guys. that's amazing that you want to start a family. congratulations."

i took selena's hand and smiled, "thanks mom."


samena babies?! :D

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~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

The Last Time (sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now