Round 13 - Chapter 4 - Alone Together

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Ruby Fanart By: AmirFrz On Reddit

Published On: February 21, 2022


I was getting really tired and my eyelids felt heavy as I had to force them open again each minute, not even the shrill screams of the people in the horror movie could keep me up at this point.

The movie Okane picked is good, but after spending an entire day with her and also having to get a very oblivious Ruby the fuck out of there so she doesn't end up dead, it all left me very tired.

As my eyes slowly closed again I could suddenly feel Okane moving closer to me and wrapping her arms around me, slowly pulling me into her hold till I was on her lap with my head on her shoulder, but at this point, I was too tired to move or acknowledge it in any way.

I just slowly dozed off as she started stroking my hair slowly, accelerating my descent into dreamland.


I slowly wake up, feeling Okane still stroking my hair, my head now on her lap. She was talking to herself quietly, just loud enough for me to hear.

Okane: "I never would have never thought that I'll meet a cutie like you Y/N, one that I would get along with so well."

I could feel a blush coming on at the mention of me being cute, I tried to fight it off by thinking of other things, but she thankfully didn't seem to notice it.

Okane: "I shouldn't wait for much longer, I should tell you, but how will you react?" She whispers to herself.

I can't believe that Okane has feelings for me! I'm not opposed to the idea, in fact, I would love to have a chance with her, especially after all the fun we've had today and yesterday.

I could feel her slowly moving out from under me, getting off the couch, and walking into another room, slowly I open my eyes and seeing that she was in the kitchen I move slightly to get a better view of what she was doing, only for me to bump into the table.

Okane: "Y/N?" She asks, walking out.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah it's me." I stutter, cursing internally at myself for bumping the table.

Okane: "Sorry, you must've woken up because I got off the couch."

Y/N: "No need to apologize, you don't have to stay on the couch all night just because I'm there."

I felt way tenser talking to her now that I know she has feelings for me, I don't know what to say or do, should I talk with her about it now or?

Today's Choice:

1. Ask If You Can Stay For The Rest Of The Night

2. Don't Talk About It

3. Talk About Okane's Feelings

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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