Round 4 - Chapter 4 - An Unpleasant Work Day

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Cinder Fanart By: Razenix-Angel On DeviantArt

Published On: April 12, 2021


I decide that I'll give myself some time to think about it, Cinder is very nice, but I'm not sure I wanna try my hand at being a painter just yet.

Y/N: "I'll think about it."

Cinder: "Alright, no pressure."

And with that we left and drove home again, the drive was pretty quiet as I just leaned my head up against the door window. Curious I a small book that was on the center handrest, I have seen Namia occasionally sketch in there an-

Namia: "NOPE!" She called out blushing as she snatched it out of my hand and puts it into her coat's pocket.

I decided to not comment on that and just leaned back again, if she doesn't want me to know then that'll be that.

Namia was just about to park the car when suddenly, with some loud bangs it comes to a stop. Namia looks at me surprised while I try to keep a knowing expression off my face, the fucking Rover gave out, like they always do...

Namia: "Oh dear, I've never had a car do that before..."

With a sigh I get out of the car and try to push it, I stop when my injuries start hurting like a motherfucker. Namia quickly gets out and rushes around the car, she checks me all over.

Namia: "Don't stress yourself! we can just leave the car standing here, it's just a bit further out than usual."

Y/N: "Do you have any tools?"

Namia: "Car tools? not much, they're all in the boot."

Y/N: "In that case, I'ma see what I can do." I replied, opening the boot.

Namia: "Oh uh, alright, I'll make us some tea in the meantime!"

As I move around the front I can see that the bonnet was dented, fearing the worst I open the bonnet an-yep just as I suspected, the fucking thing literally blew its cylinders out...

I take one of the chairs Namia had out front and put it in front of the engine bay, I already know that I'm gonna be here for a while. Soon Namia came out and placed a kettle and two cups full of coffee on the table.

Narmia: "How bad is it?"

Y/N: "This thing blew some cylinders, I'm gonna check now how many are still inside, if there are still some then it could theoretically be run on just those, though it'll be slower and have less power."

So spent the next few hours wrenching on the Rover while Namia would keep me company, no matter what, she was always great company. By the time I was done it was pretty late, Namia was about to go to bed and I decided I was gonna join her. It turns out that the damm thing had blown ALL of its cylinders, so no more driving for this fucker.

I pack up the tools and put them in the boot again, no use putting this back together now when it's fucked anyway. Exhausted I make my way upstairs, I knocked on the door in case Namia was changing.

Namia: "I'm decent." I hear her call out before I enter.

I undress till I'm just in my boxers and flop down on the bed face first, Namia giggles and starts playing with my hair.

Namia: "So? what's the final verdict from Doctor Auto?" She joked.

Y/N: "Unfortnalty all the cylinders are blown so it isn't going to move under its own power for now."

Narmia: "Oh...guess I'll have to walk to work tomorrow."

Y/N: "I'll come with you again." I said holding my hand up for a second.

I wasn't going to let her walk all the way on her own, especially since she would have to get out earlier to still arrive on time.

Namia: "Sounds great, I would love the company."

As Namia got her book out and started reading again I started drifting off again, something that was helped by her playing with my hair.


Thankfully things were uneventful during our walk, I was constantly on edge, afraid that something could happen to Namia despite the peaceful appearance of the area. We took our time and didn't rush, when we arrived we both felt refreshed by the walk.

I spent the day learning a few painting things as I watched Namia paint, she also told me some stories about her previous work. Her career has been surprisingly eventful considering she never had lived and/or worked at any big place like Vale, she only knew the quiet life of towns just outside Vale.

The day was pretty relaxing, admittedly I sometimes found myself not staring at Namia's painting but rather Namia's cute expression she did during concentrating...or Cinder when she was doing something and happened to...bend over.

It was pretty relaxi-all three of us suddenly look up as we heard some banging from outside, after looking at each other I sprint over to the front door. It was some masked thugs, I step outside when they walk over.

Y/N: "Leave now, you're not getting shit!"

Thug: "Oh we are and you won't stop us." He said cackling.

They get their bats out and walk closer, right as the first guy swings I kick him back, making him fall down the stairs. I duck another swing and get behind them, Cinder steps out, looking very pissed.

Cinder: "So you three think you can come here and take what's mine?"

Cinder handles the other two while I get attacked by the guy I had kicked down, he wasn't very good at fighting as he only knew how to swing a bat, speed being his only good quality.

Finally, I get to kick the bat out of his hand, I pick it up and after only a couple of thunderous hits, his aura shattered. I look over and see that Cinder has shattered the auras of the other two guys, she was holding one of them up by the arm and activated her semblance, soon smoke started coming off his arm and a smell invaded the area as she burned him with electricity.

Cinder: "I hope you learned your lesson, cus next time, there'll be nothing left..." She said as she completely ignored his screams.

She lets go of his arms and the three guys quickly run off, smoke still coming off that one guy's arm.

With a sigh we get back inside, confused I looked around not seeing Namia anywhere, Cinder giggled when she saw my confusion.

Cinder: "Okay Namia you can come out now." She called out.

Slowly Namia came out behind the desk furthest away from the front door, she sighs in relief when she sees that we're okay.

Cinder: "Well on that bombshell your shift is over Namia."

I helped Namia pack her things up, I noticed that she was still on edge a bit so I cracked a couple of jokes, soon that amazing smile was back.

Cinder: "Before you guys leave there's something I have to give Y/N." She said before leaving for her office.

A few seconds later she comes back and quickly walks up to me, she takes my hand and-

Cinder: "For helping with protecting Namia and my establishment you get this." She said as she shoved some Lien into my hands.

I looked down in shock and saw that it was several thousand, I try to give it back to her but she shakes her head and pushes my hand back.

Y/N: "I ca-"

Cinder: "Nope, it's yours no matter what." She said, certain of her choice.

Again I look down at the money, I really didn't expect her to give me any and so much at that?

As Namia and I walk out the door and out onto the sidewalk I get some ideas...

Today's Choice:

1. Try To Find A Place To Buy A New Car With Namia

2. Go Home With Namia

3. Go Eat Somewhere In Town With Namia

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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