Round 11 - Chapter 10 - A Quieter Life

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Ruby Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Published On: December 16, 2021


I felt tired but accomplished, the opening day for our new restaurant was an absolute success. The last guests had left half an hour ago and I just got done cleaning the dining area, now I had carried everything to the back for washing.

Despite how much Summer and Ruby clearly loved me, I was worried that when I told them that not only was I a time traveler but also a time lord that they wouldn't like me anymore, thankfully that wasn't the case though. Now we're living in Mistral, married, and in a brand new resturant.

Due to our location, we decided the restaurant should be primarily about Mistral's food and the culture surrounding it. Unfortunately for my two hearts, Summer and Ruby decided that while at work they'll wear some Mistralian dresses, something they just really liked the look did I...even if I got a double heart attack every single time I saw them in one...

Ruby: "See N/N, everything went well, you didn't need to worry so much." She says before giving me a kiss.

Y/N: "I shouldn't have worried for the last week straight, I just couldn't help it, I hope I didn't annoy both of you too much."

Ruby: "You didn't annoy us at all, we were also worried after all, just maybe not as much as you were."

Summer: "Exactly." She chimes in, swooping in quickly to give me a kiss as well.

I walk back over to the sink and fill it with hot water, ready to clean the mountain of dishes.

Summer: "Hey dear?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Summer: "When we first met, you thought that I was someone called "Lady Time" who is she?" She asks looking curious, even Ruby stopping her work to listen in.

Y/N: "Lady Time is known across countless planets and solar systems for her abilities to bring peace with an unpreceded ease, no one ever saw her face under her red cloak, but they all told of the silver glow her eyes gave off..."

Summer: "W-Wow...that's..."

Y/N: "Admittedly I fell in love with them just from the stories about her, her tales gave me the strength to run away from Galifrey, hoping that one day...I would meet her."

Ruby: "I'm guessing you didn't?" She asks in a light tone, feeling that this was an important topic to me.

Y/N: "No...never did... when you first got it through to me that you weren't here, I was surprised and a bit disappointed, but over the past few years I got to see firsthand how amazing of a woman you are in your own right, you've become my personal Lady Time." I say to Summer.

Summer was just speechless, rubbing her eyes as a couple of tears come out. She hugs me tightly, burrowing her face into the crook of my neck.

Y/N: "The same of course to you Ruby." I say to the younger redhead.

She just smiles and joins in the hug, all of us quiet for a minute as we just enjoyed each other's presence.

Summer+Ruby: "We love you."

Y/N: "I love you too."

Never have I ever felt so alive, more than ready for my new life with my two roses...

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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