Round 3 - Chapter 3 - One Hell Of A Date

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Glynda Fanart By: NachocoBana On DeviantArt

Published On: March 29, 2021


I decide to just simply go on a date with both of them, both of them are amazing women and I couldn't possibly choose. I text Glynda to tell her to meet me by 8 at dorm 69, she replied excitedly that she was going to be there.

I get back to my dorm and go through my entire closet, I didn't want to overdress, but I didn't want to underdress either. After a couple of hours, I finally decided on an outfit, one that's both casual and nice-looking. While looking through my clothes I even once considered asking Coco for help, then I remembered what happens to people that ask Coco for help, poor Jaune, I miss him...


When I finally stood in front of Neon's dorm I had to give myself a bit of a pep talk, loosened up all my tensed muscles. Gave myself a good slap to get some of that nervousness out of me, all set and done I knocked on Neon's door.

When the door opened I was met with a very stunning sight, making me completely red in the face. Neon was wearing a white skirt with black and white heels, black thigh highs, a way too small button-up, and an open red jacket over it.

Neon: "There's the stallion I've been waiting for~" She says, stepping outside and wrapping her arms around my neck.

Y/N: "You look really pretty Neon."

Neon: "You look quite dashing yourself darling." She replied with a smile.

Y/N: "Ready for the da-"

Glynda: "Oh my, I didn't expect you to be so bold Y/N, I like it though." She said walking over as she looked at Neon.

Neon realizing what is going on starts to pout and crosses her arms, she doesn't say anything against it though. My mind was shattered, Glynda was wearing a dress that might as well be a kitchen apron, it didn't leave anything to the imagination and it certainly didn't help that she clearly wasn't wearing a bra either.

Y/N: "Y-You look amazing Glynda."

Glynda: "I know, and I can see that it's getting you heated already~" She said with a smirk.

Neon out of jealousy clings to my right arm, Glynda follows suit and does the same with the left.

Y/N: "Well let's get going then, wouldn't want to be late." I said.

I had quickly made a reservation at a restaurant a few hours prior, luckily they weren't booked out. Neon got past her jealousy rather quickly once we got there, we just all enjoyed the date. What I really didn't expect is Glynda and Neon teaming up on the date to make me flustered at almost every chance they got, they knew how to get under my collar.

The people at the tables looked on in envy as Glynda and Neon fed me everything, they wouldn't take no for an answer. Once we were done eating they insisted on extending the date and going to see a movie, I let them pick it out and they chose a...rather interesting one 'Cum In Ninty Seconds', a very interesting choice indeed...

After the date they both walked with me to my dorm, when we stopped at the door I was about to say what a great date it was when Glynda and Neon both push me up against the door.

Glynda: "This date might be over, but the night sure isn't~" She said with a smirk.

Neon: "Quite right, the night is still young and we want to play~"

They both pull me into the dorm and lock the door, Glynda throws me onto the bed and they both get on top of me. I couldn't keep my moans in when Glynda starts attacking my neck, Neon meanwhile starts undressing me.

I could already tell that this was going to be one long and crazy night...


When I woke up I couldn't help but smile at the cute sight of the two still-nude women cuddling up to me, it made my heart soar. I carefully got out of their grip to not wake them, after a quick shower I made my way to the cafeteria to get some food for us.

Some girls blushed when they spotted me, I guess the girls and I were pretty loud last night. I simply ignored the blushing, stares, and murmurs and got food for me and the girls, some fish, and potato salad.

The girls had just woken up when I came back to the dorm, their faces lit up when I entered.

Y/N: "Morning you two, I got us some food." I said

I gave them both a kiss on the lips before giving them the trays, they huddled up next to me on the bed as we ate. They didn't bother dressing before eating, it made for some juicy distractions. I still couldn't believe that I was with these two amazing women, never did I think it would happen.

Glynda and Neon both looked a bit sad when we were done eating, I was starting to get concer--

Glynda: "Unfortunately I won't be able to stay here with you all day, I still have my work as a teacher...and all the undesirable paperwork that comes with it..."

Oh thank goodness, I thought it was something bad.

Neon: "Yeah I also have some things I need to do."

Y/N: "That's totally okay, whenever you're free you can come to me, my door is always open." I said as I hugged them both.

They both took quick showers and got dressed, before leaving they cuddled with me for a bit and gave me lots of kisses.

I decided to walk around Beacon a bit to get some fresh air, I sat down on a bench and relaxed for a bit.

Now that I was alone my thoughts drifted to my semblance again, I was interested in trying out my semblance some more, now's the question of who I use it on again...

Today's Choice:

1. Sienna

2. Amber

3. Cinder

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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