Round 11 - Chapter 6 - Nightly Conversation

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Vernal Fanart By: ari-6 On DeviantArt

Published On: December 6, 2021


Vernal: "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Ginny: "Careful hon, Y/N there looks like he's about to puke his insides out."

I didn't think I'll end up here when I decided to take these two on a date, it's more like they are taking me on a date and a dangerous one at that. I'm holding on for dear life in the rear seats of Vernal's car as she takes jump after jump in the woods, well in excess of 200 MpH.

Vernal: "Oh sorry there, I tend to get carried away sometimes."

Y/N: "It's alright..."

With a growl, the car comes to a stop, all of getting out as I try not to puke.

Ginny: "Are you gonna be alright?" She asks concerned.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah, just wasn't expecting such...enthusiastic driving."

Vernal: "I know you loved it."

Y/N: "I did, but for my first time it might have been a good idea to slow down a bit."

Once I was sure that I wasn't going to puke up all my insides I join both of them on the hood of the car, sitting in between them as we gaze up at the night sky.

Ginny: "So you said that you were not from around here and a traveler right?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Vernal: "Why do you travel alone? wouldn't it get lonely?"

Y/N: "It does get lonely, yeah, but I encounter danger more often than I would like to admit and I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, so I travel alone." I say as I think about all the planets I have seen, all the beings I have slain over the years.

Ginny: "So where exactly do you come from?"

Y/N: "My home doesn't matter, it's gone and all my people were killed." I said in a slightly bitter tone.

Vernal: "Based on your tone it seems like you didn't exactly like it there."

Y/N: "My home had a lot of problems, far from perfect and certainly not as nice as here...not to mention that I got exiled from there."

Ginny: "Well you don't have to talk about it if you don't have to." She says as she wraps her arms around my shoulder, giving Vernal a glare, thinking I wouldn't notice.

Y/N: "Thank you, for my first date this has so far been very enjoyable, and Vale was a nice place to tour."

Vernal: "With a cutie like it's hard to believe that we're your first, but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it."

Ginny: "What do you say we sleep out here with the stars above us, it would be the perfect end to our date."

Y/N: "Sure, I'm pretty comfy here." I reply as I lay down on the hood and pull both of them up to me.

As we stared up at the sky I'm thinking about what comes next, the decision that I knew as coming.

Should I give up my traveling for these two? I like them a lot and they are clearly returning those feelings, they wouldn't be thrilled with me leaving. This could be it, this could be a chance for me to finally build up a proper life, instead of being a lonely wanderer of the cosmos.

I could show them the Tardis, but I very highly doubt that they would take that well. I could always just leave without saying anything, something I have done before to people I have saved on other planets, more times than I like to admit.

To let my guard down and finally settle down with these two or to remain a wanderer of the cosmos, I need to make a choice before morning...

Today's Choice:

1. Stay On Remnant With The Girls, Building A Proper Life For Yourself

2. Show The Tardis To The Girls

3. Leaving Remnant Without A Goodbye

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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