Round 14 - Chapter 10 - Steadfast

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Weiss Fanart By: NikuSenpai On DeviantArt

Published On: June 21, 2022


Somehow I'm able to force myself off the ground, running over in front of Weiss, not aware of how I was even standing right now, the pain still just as bad as before. Celine's eyes widen when I suddenly came between them, she quickly moves her wrist, embedding the blade of her sword at the last second.

Celine: "Don't be foolish Y/N, you could've been killed!!" She hissed.

I ignored Weiss telling me to run, instead, I just continued standing between, arms out wide, knowing that I might collapse any second now.

Y/N: "She's the love of my life, and that is a fact I'm willing to repeat to you until the day I die." I say firmly.

Celine: "That's what you're now, not long from now you'll be screaming my name." She replied, gazing deeply into my eyes.

Y/N: "Going down this path will give you nothing, you could try everything and I still wouldn't love, no matter how hard you try!"

Celine: "Well I'm ready to prove you wrong."

Without any real effort, she picks me up by my collar and roughly kisses me, her tongue exploring my mouth as I was too weak to retaliate. When she was done she set me down on my feet, but I just collapsed to the ground, feeling like I'm about to pass out.

She raises her arm up, about to strike Weiss do-

???: "HEY!!! OVER HERE!!!"

Looking up we could see several police officers and huntsmen at the top of the hill, all making their way to us. Celine growls before looking at me, she goes to grab me but stops when she sees armored officers down to us, guns drawn.

Simply smiling she steps towards them, deflecting their shots until a huntsmen couple came to intervene. Weiss and I could only look on as Celine fights them, at first it seemed like they would win when they broke her aura, but then Celine disarmed one and got ready to kill him.

???: "GET AWAY FROM MY WIFE!!" The other huntsmen screamed.

Blood splattered onto the ground as she impaled Celine from behind, quickly pulling the sword out again, leaving Celine to stumble before falling to the ground in front of me. Everyone was clearly relieved that the hostile was taken out, but my body felt ice-cold, my gaze locked on Celine's corpse.

She died looking right at me, smiling...

I didn't move till Weiss and some medics got me on a stretcher, taking my eyes off Celine's.

Weiss: "Once we're patched up I'm taking you on vacation." She said firmly.


Feeling more rested than ever before I slowly get out of bed, giving Weiss a pillow to cuddle with so she doesn't wake up. She was still naked from the night before, making me smile and blush as I stumble out of the room, my legs still mostly numb.

Weiss and I have been able to rest and heal up nicely, probably due to the fact that for the time being, we've completely cut contact with any and all bullshit going on in Vale, even Weiss's teammates weren't allowed to contact her, allowing us for once to truly forget about everything and just relax.

After a much-needed trip to the bathroom, I slowly walk downstairs, making myself and Weiss some sandwiches. Before I went back upstairs I notice that I forgot to close the kitchen window yesterday, I go to close it when I see something stuffed in between the window and the frame, confused I pull it.

It was just some dirty paper, I unfold it curiously an-

"I would never leave this world, not without you."

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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