Round 10 - Chapter 6 - Consequences

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Emerald Fanart By: Sunnypoppy On DeviantArt

Published On: September 3, 2021


I couldn't do anything but stare into Emerald's lifeless eyes in endless shock, the events that just transpired being too much for my mind to handle...

I tried my best to get away from Emerald, but she stayed true to her words and made things very hard for me before she knocked me out. Now I was injured all over and in terrible pain, not able to move without even more pain.

I was woken up by screaming only to witness something I really didn't want to see, something I'll probably never forget. I witnessed how Sharon was screaming at Emerald, berating her about how she roughed me up when she shouldn't. The greenhead stood no chance as Sharon attacked her from behind, beating her senseless, till her aura couldn't protect her anymore, till her arms ceased to struggle.

Now I was at her mercy in this old, shabby, and cold wooden shack, with no idea what she had planned for me. She was looking around for something in plastic containers, occasionally glancing at me, looking like a child on Christmas day every time she did.

Y/N: "I-I thought you were drugged by the murderer" I croaked out.

Sharon: "That was a good trick wasn't it? now they are never gonna suspect me, just unfortunate that it meant I wouldn't have enough to give that Neo bitch a deadly dose."

Y/N: "W-Why?" I choked out.

Sharon: "Don't ponder about the how and why, think about the present, the present we get to spend together...after I get rid of the traces Emerald left behind..." She said, muttering that last part.

She walked over to the corner of the room to search through some other plastic containers, after a minute of this she seems to have found what she was looking for as she walked back to me.

Sharon: "Now I don't have experience doing this sort of thing, but I'll be extra gentle for you sweetie" She said as she walked up to me holding a sowing kit.

I screamed out when the door suddenly bursts open, Fiona rushing in along with several officers. Sharon pulls a gun out, locking her and the police into a standstill.

Fiona: "DROP THE WEAPON SHARON!!" She calls out.

Sharon: "YOU JUST WANT TO TAKE MY Y/N AWAY FROM ME!!!!" She screamed unhinged, making the officers even more nervous.

Fiona: "Drop. The. Weapon. Now." She said in a low tone.

Sharon: "I waited so long for this...I'M NOT WAITING EVEN MORE!!"

She points her gun at Fiona at which point she and the officers fire multiple shots, the room lit up by the flashes till Sharon's body drops to the ground.

I didn't know what to do or say out of shock, luckily Fiona took note of that and held my hand, comforting and accompanying me as the paramedics took me away...


Fiona steps into the room with a tray of food, setting it down on my lap. It was clear as day that Fiona was just as exhausted as I was, though glad about the positive ending today. I start digging into the food as Fiona sat down beside my bed, resting her chin on the chair's back.

Fiona: "Well both you and Robyn got out of that without lasting injuries thankfully."

Y/N: "How is Robyn doing?" I asked with my mouth full.

Fiona: "She's fine, though not as fine as she could've been"

Y/N: "What do you mean?"

Fiona: "After Sustrai knocked you out she tried to go after you, but she only made her injury worst in the process."

Y/N: "Wow...she really went through that for me?"

Fiona: "She takes her cases VERY seriously, and she has a thing for you, didn't you listen to me?"

Y/N: "I did...but it's still honestly hard to believe."

Fiona: "Well with all this craziness over, you can ask her out now" She says as she stands up.

Y/N: "Th-"

Fiona: "Nope! I don't want to hear any denying, Robyn is totally into you" She says before leaving out the door.

I just lean back and stare at the ceiling as I ponder about what I should do, Fiona's words echoing in my mind. It might not be a good idea to ask Robyn out currently, both of us are still recovering from what happened.

I honestly don't know at this point, guess I'll just see what tomorrow brings...

Today's Choice:

1. Stay At Home

2. Do Something Else To Relax

3. Ask Robyn Out On A Date

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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