Round 4 - Chapter 8 - Tales Of The Past

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Yang Fanart By: Sunnypoppy On DeviantArt

Published On: April 19, 2021


Seeing how the trial would go will certainly be very interesting, I'll be following that closely.

Y/N: "I'm interested to see how the trial will go for each one of them, that's for sure." I said.

Namia: "Trial?...TRIAL!??!?!? THEY DESERVE TO GET SLAUGHTERED FOR EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE TO US!!" She cried out as she got out of my hold.

Y/N: "Namia I-"

Namia: "No..." She cut me off as she just turns away from me, putting the blanket up to her chin.

Seeing that she wasn't going to listen to me I just decide to keep my mouth shut, after she had a bit of time to cool down I'll try again. I lean down and pull the blanket higher, the sounds of the train rolling along the tracks slowly lulling me to sleep.


As I woke up I could feel shuffling to my side, when I opened my eyes I could see that Namia was awake. I slowly got up and stretched, I walk over to the other side of the carriage and turn on the beverage maker to get us some cocoa, when I place a cup down in front of Namia she smiles a bit.

Y/N: "Here, cocoa makes everything better." I said with a smile.

She didn't respond but just pulled the cup closer, she looked sad and stressed.

Y/N: "How about I pep you up by telling you a story from my past?"

Narmia: "Sure." She said as she finally looked over at me with a subtle smile.

Y/N: "Alright so this was years ago, there was a friend of mine called Ilia and she was a gay mess."

Namia: "Oh this already starting out great..." She said rolling her eyes.

Y/N: "She had a huge crush on another girl in the White Fang, a tall fox girl with green eyes. I tried to help her and give her the confidence to confess, it never really worked and for some reason, Ilia thought she couldn't just confess but would also have to do something for her crush as well."

Namia: "So what did she do?"

Y/N: "She made with my help a jacket since her crush had her's destroyed on her last mission, we made a pretty cool design on the back."

I burst out laughing as I remember the outcome of all this, Ilia's expressions are something I'll never forget.

Y/N: "What Ilia didn't know is that I had befriended her crush while we were working on the jacket, I used my friendship to arrange a hang out one evening but had Ilia go instead."

Namia: "You ass!" She said laughing.

Y/N: "When Ilia gave the jacket to her she at first thought she had upset her and wanted to bolt out of there, her crush picked her up before she could run away and hugged her, her expressions were priceless!"

Namia: "So they got together?"

Y/N: "Sure did, still were when I ran away."

I poured both of us another cup of cocoa, Namia looked a lot more cheerful now.

Y/N: "So I told you a bit more about my past, do you have any stories from your past?"

Namia: "Well, there is one that comes to mind..."

Y/N: "Alright, lay it on me." I said, looking at her interested.

Namia: "Originally I used to live in a different town, when I was there I had a woman rescue me from Grimm, she was very different from anyone I had met up until then."

Y/N: "What was she like?"

Namia: "Well at first I thought that she was a huntress, but she wasn't. She had blonde hair, a yellow cybernetic replacement for her right arm, and a yellow jacket."

Y/N: "So a fighter for sure."

Namia: "Yeah, when she stepped in front of me and engaged the Grimm she took off her jacket,  her left arm, and both shoulders were completely covered in scarring. It was obvious that she didn't care at all and just simply fought as many Grimm at once as possible, not caring if any of them got a hit in."

Y/N: "Sounds like it would have been pretty cool to experience that in person, she certainly sounds like a fun person."

Namia: "Not really, her aura broke almost instantly, it wasn't very strong. Instead of using her aura she just took out a bunch of dust crystals and shoved them into her arm and shoulders. During the fight her clothes got ripped, I could see that her ENTIRE body was covered by wounds and that awful scarring..."

Y/N: "I've never heard of anyone fighting like that before, certainly unique."

Namia: "I thanked her for the rescue and asked if she was from around here, she told me that she just wanders Remnant until she finally drops dead."

Namia's eyes looked like she was somewhere else, probably seeing that woman before her...

Namia: "It was clear to me then, the look in her eyes, the tone of her voice, before me stood a woman that had lost everything, she didn't care anymore...she just wanted to die..."

Y/N: "Wow...I...that's something..."

Namia: "Yeah..."

There was a small silence between us, Namia went under the blanket again.

Namia: "Well it's gonna be a bit until we arrive so I'll go back to napping."

Y/N: "Alright."

For the next few minutes, I just sit there and relaxed while Namia sleeps beside me, just as I was about to fall asleep as well I hear noises from above. I make my way over to the cab, when I enter I see both Roman and Neo discussing something.

Y/N: "Did you guys hear that as well?"

Roman: "Sure did, here look." He said pointing to one of the monitors.

On the camera feed, we could see several white fang grunts on the roof of the cargo carriages at the back of the train.

Y/N: "Ah fuck..."

Roman: "Ah fuck is right."

Neo: "I'll get up there and handle them so we don't lose our cargo."

Roman: "I'll inform you of any new developments."

As I watched Neo leave the cab I wondered, should I follow?

I'm patched up but still recovering, maybe it's not the best idea, but it's all I can think of...

Today's Choice:

1. Stay In The Cab With Roman

2. Follow Neo

3. Try To Get To The Roof From Another Point

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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