Round 7 - Chapter 6 - Ice & Gems

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Weiss Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Published On: July 2, 2021


Here I was on a sunny day walking through Vale with Ruby and Weiss, both girls happily following me to the cafe I had suggested to them.

Ruby had invited Weiss after I told her yesterday that I planned to convince her to join us as well, Weiss of course ate up the chance to spend some time with me. 

We stopped suddenly when we heard gunfire nearby, we didn't move as we just listened to figure out what was going on. I started running when I heard a voice that I recognized yelling out in pain, I take out my two shotguns and start blasting as soon as I arrive at the location of the shots.

Emerald was laying on the ground bleeding, clutching her legs as some armed thugs were stalking up on her.

Without thinking I open fire and riddled them, some are able to get cover behind a dumpster while others were showered with bullets, their auras shattering and their bodies getting riddled as result.

Emerald: "Y/N?" She calls out in surprise and relief.

Ruby and Weiss arrived as the thugs behind the dumpster started firing at me, I stand in front of Emerald and use my aura to shield her as best as I can.

Y/N: "What the fuck do those cunts want with you?" I asked Emerald as I returned fire.

Emerald: "They know about our plan and they got some people inside Beacon, they want me cus we killed their boss."

Y/N: "Well that puts a dent in my plan, though they should've really sought out the guy who did the finishing blow on their boss." I replied.

I get fed up having this gunfight as those fuckers just hid behind the dumpster, I decide to use my aura more productively and do a blast that sends the dumpster on its side. They scream out in panic as they run away, I was able to kill a couple more but I didn't bother running after the ones that got away.

Y/N: "Leave you dirty motherfuckers!!" I screamed out as I fired a couple of shots after them.

Weiss was just staring at me shocked while Ruby was trying her best to help Emerald, I ignore the heiress's stare and pick up Emerald.

Y/N: "Come on, let's leave."

Ruby: "But where are we gonna go?"

Y/N: "Don't worry I know a place."


I bust open the door as we walked inside, Ruby and Weiss looked around the place.

Y/N: "Mind flipping that switch over there?" I ask Ruby as I put Emerald down on an old couch.

When she flips the switch, many lights turn on, revealing that the place we walked into was an old abandoned warehouse.

Y/N: "This is a little hideout of mine, make yourself comfy while I help Emerald."

I get out a box of medical items from under a table beside the couch, I quickly get out all the items I need before kneeling down next to Emerald.

Y/N: "Remove your pants"

Emerald: "W-What!?"

Y/N: "I won't be able to help you if you have them on" I explained.

Blushing she slowly pulls her pants down, Ruby and Weiss were also blushing, Ruby looking surprised that I would just take this so nonchalantly.

Y/N: "Now I'm not gonna lie, this will hurt like a bitch, but it needs to be done okay?"

Emerald: "Okay..." She says sounding unsure.

Y/N: "Ruby why don't you hold Emerald's hand while I do this?" I ask waving her over.

Ruby sits down next to her and tightly holds her hand, Emerald quietly thanks her as she looks at me expectantly.

I get out a set of small tweezers and start working on removing the two bullets in her thigh, Emerald immediately starts yelling in pain as I had to hold her leg down.

Y/N: "I know, I know..." I say cringing at her screams.

Finally, after a minute, the bullet was out, I stop for a second to give Emerald a break as she was red in the face and panting, Ruby squeezing her hand in reassurance.

Y/N: "Alright only more to go."

Emerald: "R-Right..." She said out of breath.

I get out a bottle of disinfection spray and put it onto the wound, Emerald flinched and yelped.

Y/N: "Sorry but it needs to be done."

After that, I get the tweezers again and start work on getting the second bullet out. Ruby had to hold her shoulder a bit to make sure she didn't move around too much, I meanwhile had to focus on blocking out her screams so that I would actually finish the job and not stop.

Y/N: "There!" I say triumphantly as I got the bullet out.

Emerald sighs in relief as she holds a hand over her chest, Ruby just rubs her back. When I look back at Weiss I see that she is just standing there frozen, her face completely pale.

Y/N: "Hey Weiss, could you get Emerald a glass of water, a small kitchen area is over there." I said as I pointed over to a small booth.

Weiss: "R-Right..." She says quietly and walks away.

Y/N: "I must say I'm impressed, you soldiered through it much better than some other people I know." I said making her smile.

Ruby: "You had to do this before?"

Y/N: "Yep, both on other people and several times on myself, when fights go wrong they go hella wrong." I explained as I disinfected the other bullet wound.

Emerald: "Argh!" She screams out in surprise and jerks back, punching Ruby in the face accidentally.

Y/N: "You alright?" I asked Ruby as she rubbed her cheek.

Ruby: "I'm good, my aura took the hit."

Emerald: "Sorry!" She says embarrassed.

Ruby: "It's fine."

I take out some bandages and start carefully wrapping up her thigh, while I was doing that Weiss came back and gave Emerald a glass of water, when I glanced up I could see that Weiss's face was wet, she must've splashed some water on her face.

Y/N: "You couldn't stomach that very well could you? can't blame you." I asked Weiss.

Weiss: "I have seen people die before, some even because the situation forced me to kill them...but seeing someone pull something out of someone's body is a different thing entirely..." She said as she sits down.

Y/N: "Alright that's it." I said as I got done bandaging her.

Emerald: "Thanks." She said gratefully as she looked at me exhausted from the pain.

Y/N: "No problem."

Ruby: "So...what happens now?"

I stand up as I think things over...

Today's Choice:

1. Try To Go Back To Beacon And Convince Blake And Yang

2. Stay To Make Sure They All Stay Safe

3. Try To Go Find The People Who Are After Emerald

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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