Round 13 - Chapter 3 - Unexpected Redhead

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Ruby Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Published On: February 20, 2022


I was enjoying a glass of wine as I listened to a very energetic redhead rave about her experiences in stock car racing, not what I expected after I decided to go back to Okane alone, leaving a bored and pouty set of girls back at the flat.

Ruby was a stock car racer that I had heard about, she was very popular all around Remnant, not just for her skill but also because of her big heart, something that fellow drivers and fans of the sport adored to no end.

Despite how nice the redhead is, Okane seems to be very upset with her, or at least something that had to do with her, as she constantly glared daggers at the oblivious girl, gripping her wine glass just tight enough to where I was worried it would shatter any moment.

At first, I was overwhelmed by the fact that an international star was at Okane's place and now talking to me, that was until Okane explained that she is Ruby's biggest sponsor, hence why the redhead visits her sometimes to give her updates on everything.

Ruby was about to leave when I came, but she ultimately ended up too caught up in getting to know me and talking about her experiences to remember, not that she was talking about her career in a conceited, self-important manner, but rather in an energetic way, like a child telling their parents about their accomplishments.

I didn't say much, it was mostly just her talking with a couple of interjections from me to ask questions, all while Okane's eyes grew darker and darker with hate. This went on for 20 minutes, during which Okane seemed to be going through way more wine glasses than me.

I knew that I had to do something about the current situation when I glanced behind Ruby at Okane, seeing how she stopped mid-refilling of her glass, gripping the wine tightly, looking like she was about to smash it over Ruby's head.

Ruby is really nice and I wouldn't mind having her as a friend, but it's obvious that the current situation was not making Okane happy, leaving her to maybe do something that she'll regret...

Today's Choice:

1. Let Ruby Talk

2. Interrupt Her

3. Let Okane Interrupt

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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