Round 2 - Chapter 5 - Racing Again

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Ruby Fanart By: anonamos701 On DeviantArt

Published On: March 23, 2021


I agreed to continue competing, I didn't see a reason not to. We got up early and left, getting breakfast on the way. Ruby almost couldn't sit still in the cafe as we ate, people at other tables were talking about what a cute couple we are. Ruby was excited since she didn't get to see the finish of the last race, it was cute to see her that excited.

Now I was waiting for the other drivers to get ready as we were all lined up, once again we were racing in the countryside. I lowered the window as Ruby walked up, she gave me a deep kiss. I didn't want to separate but the need for air forced us, both of our cheeks were rosy red when we separated.

Ruby: "There's more where that came from, just win this one for me honey~" She said while stroking my cheek.

Y/N: "Of course I'll win, with your tuning? no way in hell I won't." I replied.

Ruby: "Careful with those compliments before I drag you out of the car and behind a bush, can't win a race if you're getting your brain fucked out~" She replied with a lusty smile.

We both looked over when we saw Dan walking to the front, he got his flag ready.

Ruby: "See you at the finish line sweet cheeks~" She said, kissing me before walking off.

I rolled my window up again and turned my engine on, as the RS4's roar fills my ears my mind goes into racing mode.

Dan: "Three, two, one, GO!!!" He screams jumping up and down as he waves his flag like a madman.

I was already passing up cars left and right, until I came up behind a BMW, he just wouldn't give me the fucking space needed to pass. The last race was relatively chill, this one though wasn't, I had to push myself significantly harder and drive more aggressively, it took quite a bit to pass that fucker in that BMW, he just wouldn't give the space needed in corners for me and the other racers. By the time I finally passed him up the race was almost over and we were in the final few corners already, I only had three more cars in front of me.

I go into another corner noticing how there wasn't as much control as there should be, other cars pass me as I take the corner rather badly. I try to straighten the car out as I near the end of the corner, my heart rate spikes as I realize that it doesn't turn properly anymore, I try to brake, but it was too late.

I careen into a trench, I hit my head on the steering wheel as my car gets launched into the air. I feel lightheaded as my sight constantly changes from sky to ground, swinging around in different directions. My ears were filled with nothing but crashing noises from all around me, my vision blurs the more the car swung around. There was nothing I could do, I could only wait for it to en-


I awaken to some tinking noise, when I open my eyes I see that I'm in the RS4 still. As I look over to my left I saw that it was Ruby who was tapping her finger against the window, I look around the interior noticing how the car seemed surprisingly fine. I slowly get out of the car, Ruby looks at me weirdly as I check around the car seeing only a few scratches.

Ruby: "What are you doing? and why were you sleeping?" She asked.

Y/N: "I crashed and...the car doesn't have any dents...just scratches..." I answered half-heartedly.

Ruby: "There was just some oil on the road and you slipped, no biggie."

Y/N: "B-But..but..." I stutter pointing to the scratches.

Ruby: "Oh that's not a problem, I can easily fix that."

Y/N: "..." I decided to just not say anything.

Ruby: "So, am I gonna drive or are you gonna?"

Y/N: "You drive." I replied getting into the passenger seat.

Ruby swiftly jogged around the car and jumped into the driver seat, she peeled back onto the road as if the RS4 didn't just careen off the road.

My confused thoughts were interrupted when Ruby poked me on the shoulders, she had said something but I hadn't heard it.

Y/N: "Hmm?" I hum looking over at her.

Ruby: "I said I know the perfect way to cheer you up since you look soo down after losing the race, what do you say?"

Today's Choice:

1. Agree With Ruby's Offer

2. Decline And Just Relax

3. Not Respond At All

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Choose Your Own AdventureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora