Round 9 - Chapter 9 - Mistakes Were Made

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Weiss Fanart By: The-AlleyCat On DeviantArt

Published On: August 22, 2021


I quietly start going towards the front door as Weiss goes after me, trying to stop me. When I open the door the worst possible sight greets me, Silvia was fighting both Yang...and Rochelle, it seems Yang somehow teamed up with her.

When Rochelle noticed me her face lit up with that same demented smile that still haunts my dreams, she separates herself from the fight to go after me. I was about to run away when I had to suddenly dodge a stray shot from Yang that almost went into my face, when I get back up I get kicked by Rochelle straight into the wall of the house, shattering my aura instantly.

My vision darkens as Rochelle slowly stalks towards me, her gaze never once leaving me...


I woke up to the sound of metal clashing against metal, the origin of the sound moving very quickly. When I open my eyes I could see Weiss fighting against Rochelle while Siliva was fighting against Yang, Weiss's aura had clearly been shattered as she had bruises and was bleeding, thankfully it seems that Rochelle's was also shattered.

She was quickly moving from slash to slash, constantly on the attack to not give Rochelle an opening. After a constant streak of attacks, she finally broke through Rochelle's defense, Myrtensater's tip slicing her left shoulder open.

Rochelle: "ARRGGHH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!! " She screams.

With all her strength she kicks Weiss in the stomach, sending her flying to the wall of the house. I quickly run over to check on her, when I looked her over I could see that her leg was clearly broken from the rough landing.

Rochelle: "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST TURN UP AND TAKE MY Y/N!?!?! HE'S MINE!!!" She screams out while laughing.

She picks up Myrtenaster to throw it at us, she was interrupted when Silvia impaled her from behind before immediately continuing her fight with Yang.

Silvia: "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!" She screams.

I look at their fight and then at Weiss who was telling me no repeatedly, I had to make a decision NOW...

Today's Choice:

1. Leave With Weiss

2. Fight With Silvia

3. Hide With Weiss

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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