Round 5 - Chapter 1 - A Mission Gone Wrong

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Ruby & Ruby Fanart By: KizzyCannon On DeviantArt

Published On: April 23, 2021


This mission is just massively fucked, everything that could have gone wrong literally went wrong. We were sent to deal with the White Fang, they were attacking in Vale. It didn't seem like that big of a deal except for them attacking in slightly bigger numbers than usual, that's until bullheads of theirs arrived and started doing bombing runs. Now I'm running through a literal war field, through the rubble of houses and vehicles.

Yang had called me on my scroll for backup, apparently Ruby is in trouble. I'm hauling ass to make sure my girlfriend is gonna be okay, unfortunately, I do not have any form of communication as my scroll got destroyed when I had to avoid getting blown up.

Y/N: "Come on, come on" I panted as I ran, ducked, and jumped through this mess.

I saw something on a hill ahead of me, before I could get there I was cut off by a White Fang grunt in a stolen Atlesian Paladin. He immediately locked onto me once he saw me, I just barely avoided getting torn apart by his rockets. Pissed off, I ripped the loosely hanging parts of my torn outfit off before getting out from my cover, I wasn't going to let this fucker delay me any further, not when my Ruby is in danger.

Y/N: "YOU WANNA FIGHT FUCKER?!? THEN EAT THIS!!!" I cried out as I activated my semblance.

I focused my semblance on the Paladin as I started sucking all the energy from it and the asshole piloting it, just as it was about to collapse I push all the energy back. The Paladin couldn't handle the overload and started freaking out, parts went everywhere as it exploded.

I ran through the rain of burning parts, once I arrive at the top of the hill I could finally see what I was seeing down below, it was a person. They were in a dark blue cloak, when I turn them around I got the surprise of my life.

It was Ruby, knocked out. She had black and blue hair and was wearing a blue and white version of her usual outfit, with a gold version of her belt. I checked her for injuries but I couldn't see anything and I couldn't check underneath her clothes exactly, not in a dangerous environment like this.

She isn't responding, she is breathing though. I try to control my breathing and not go into full panic mode as I think my options over, some way to make this situation better. I could wait here at her side and maybe some help will come for us on sight, though that could also cost me her life as I do not know her exact condition. I could try to hold the enemies off for longer, the problem with that is that I would leave Ruby unattended. There is a ship only a sprint away from us, I could get us back to Beacon to make sure she gets the attention she needs...

We should have never gone on this mission...

Today's Choice:

1. Get Ruby Back To Beacon

2. Try To Hold The Enemy Off For Longer

3. Wait At Her Side.

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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