Round 10 - Chapter 7 - One Romantic Reunion

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Neo Fanart By: The-AlleyCat On DeviantArt

Published On: September 5, 2021


I couldn't help but have a constant smile on my face, one that was probably very dorky looking. Robyn giggled at my smile as she also couldn't help but also constantly display her happiness, making me only happier.

I had taken the plunge and asked her out, to my surprise she agreed as I was fearing that I might've asked a little too soon after what happened. So we both dragged our asses out to a nice restaurant that Robyn knew, me never having gone to one before in my life.

Luckily since we both had to recover first we had several weeks free now, something that I really needed anyway as I was very tired of my job. Robyn was on the fence about whether she liked the free time or not, on one hand, she didn't like being kept out of the action, on the other hand, she now had plenty of time that she could spend with me.

Right now we were just trying out some drinks we never had before while talking, our food was already finished. Despite the fact that the date didn't start too long ago, my opinion on Robyn had already changed, her cold and serious detective side put to the side for one that showed what she was really like, a side that I really liked.

Robyn: "So Y/ look pretty fit, do you work out?" She asked as her cheeks tinted slightly red.

Y/N: "I'm not the type to work ou-"

I cut myself off when I notice someone standing behind Robyn, someone I've hoped to never see again. Glaring at me with her mismatched eyes, a cane tightly clutched in her hands, one that I knew hid a blade. Robyn turned around confused only to see what was in her eyes Neo in a white suit, but what I saw was her twin sister, the ever deranged Trival Vanille, or as she likes to go by Neapolitan

I fling myself to the ground as Nea reveals her hidden blade and thrusts it towards me, completely ignoring Robyn. I cower behind the table as I watch Robyn activate her crossbow and shoot two arrows at Nea, she just deflects them and fires back two shots from her cane sheath.

The other people in the restaurant and area run away screaming, a full-on panic having broken out in a matter of seconds. I wanted to help Robyn, but I wasn't a huntsmen, neither did I ever get any sort of combat training.

Nea: "You broke your promise L/N!!" She says in a low tone while blocking more of Robyn's attacks.

Y/N: "I didn't!!"

Nea: "You promised to always protect her, ALWAYS!!!"

Y/N: "Can't we talk about thi-"

Nea: "Don't try to fool me, my sister is in the hospital, IN A COMA!!"

Robyn: "It wasn't his fault!" She shouts back annoyed.

Nea: "Shut your face slut, I can't believe you ditched my sister for someone like her!" She snarls back livid.

Y/N: "I never was interested in your sister, she is family to me!"

Nea only sped up and got more vicious when she heard sirens in the distance, getting louder every second. I knew from the past what Nea was capable of, I knew that now, especially with her fired up like this she'll kill Robyn.

Nea was completely taken off guard and confused when I hugged her from behind, the confusion giving Robyn a chance to strike her straight in the face, making her go flying through several tables and chairs. Robyn stayed tense and prepared as Nea slowly recovered and got up, not getting up close in case she's just pretending to be winded by the punch.

I looked outside when I heard tires squalling, multiple cop cars having arrived finally. Seeing that her time had run out Nea puts her blade away and ran out through the rear entrance in the kitchen area, both Robyn and I instantly sighing out in relief.

Robyn: "You might not be a fighter, but you are smart...even if your tactics can be...bizarre" She said with a smile.


Robyn opened the front door and helped me into her living room, hugging me as I cried. What happened at the restaurant reopened a lot of old wounds, making my heart feel like it's getting choked.

Robyn: "So now that we are in privacy you can tell me if you're willing to that is."

Y/N: "Nea and Neo or Trivial and Trivia...their parents were killed when they were young, so they were homeless and often thrown around in adoption homes..." I started.

Robyn just hummed in acknowledgment as she put my head on her lap and started stroking my hair and back to calm me down, her actions greatly comforting me.

Y/N: "They were both abused and fed up with everything, Nea took things into her own hand and took her sister as they ran away, doing criminal stuff to give her and her sister a good if illegal life."

Robyn: "All of this makes her sound much more like a really good person, not the murderer that I saw back there."

Y/N: "Things changed when Neo became mute after she was tortured by people because of Nea's debts, with that Nea's plans of the future changed. They both already knew me at this point as we got to know each other in the park one day, so Nea entrusted me with Neo, asking me to let her live with me and to take care of her."

Robyn: "So that is the promise she was talking about huh?"

Y/N: "Yeah, Neo and I have and still are really close, it seems she misinterpreted it as me being romantically interested in her sister."

Robyn: "Does Neo like you like that?"

Y/N: "No, it's not unusual for us to even call each other bro and sis."

Robyn: "So Neo lives with you?"

Y/N: "Not anymore, I helped her get on her feet, get a job, a place of her own, all of that."

Robyn: "I see"

Y/N: "It hurts, it already hurt to see Nea go after leaving Neo with me, but to see her again...knowing that she now hates me...she was like a sister to me as well" I said as I started crying again.

Robyn: "Hey now don't cry, things will get better" She whispered as she hugged me.

All I could do is hold onto Robyn for dear life as emotions of the past ran rampant through my head and heart, sucking all the energy out of me...

Today's Choice:

1. Stay With Robyn For The Next Day

2. Go Back Home The Next Day

3. Go To The Park On Your Own

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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