Round 5 - Chapter 7 - Two Roses, One Of You

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Ruby Fanart By: anonamos701 On DeviantArt

Published On: April 28, 2021


I just stand there not knowing what to do, everyone was completely quiet. I look to my side when I hear shuffling, Kali has run away without me...

Red-Haired Ruby: "Y/N..."

As I look over to those two I start feeling uneasy, they just stare at me with dilated eyes. I really fucking wish I didn't go on this mission, cus this has to be worst than coming back late would have been.

Y/N: "Uh...hi?" I said unsure.

They both deactivated their Crescent Roses and walk up to me, the closer they get, the more I tense up. I thought maybe hugging them might get rid of some of the tension, I go to hug the-

Ruby+Ruby: "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!??!?" They both shout at me as they both shake me back and forth.

Y/N: "Alrightalrightalrightalrightalri-STOP" I scream out.

As they finally let go of me I stumble back and forth dizzy.

Y/N: "It was just a mission!"

Red-Haired Ruby: "AN ILLEGAL ONE!!"

Blue-Haired Ruby: "YOU DIDN'T TAKE ME WITH YOU!!"

They both stop and look at each other, confused that they weren't on the same wavelength.

Blue-Haired Ruby: "Don't look at me like that, it's hot when he's on missions and being a bad boy~"

Red-Haired Ruby: "It's still illegal!"

Blue-Haired Ruby: "And? does it look like I'm giving a fuck?" She asks crossing her arms.

Y/N: "If it makes it any better, the ones we stole from and killed are from the Vortex gang." I chime in.

Blue-Haired Ruby: "See? they are unlawful fucks, nothing worthwhile to society has been lost."

Red-Haired Ruby: "sigh I don-"

Blue-Haired Ruby: "Admit it, you're also turned on by him when he does this shit, no need to hide it."

The Red-Haired Ruby mumbles something, it was too quiet for me to hear though.

Blue-Haired Ruby: "What was that?" She asks smugly.


I just stand there surprised with a massive blush on my face, the Blue-Haired Ruby just smiles smugly and grabs the Red-Haired Ruby's hand, pulling her over to me.

Blue-Haired Ruby: "Then let's do that~"

She grabs my hand and starts pulling me along as well.

Blue-Haired Ruby: "By the way honey, while you were gone we agreed for me to be called Rosa to avoid confusion." She said quickly before giving me a peck.

I didn't respond as I was still too confused by what the fuck just happened, Rosa didn't care and just pulled me and Ruby along to somewhere to have a good time.


I can't feel my legs...

I literally can't feel or move my lower body, when Rosa meant that we were gonna do it she REALLY meant it. Now I was lying with both of them cuddled up to me in my bed, still naked. 

They are both on top of me clutching my body with smiles on their faces, it was really cute. I stroke their hair as I think about what I could do today.

It would be nice to just stay in bed and have a lazy day, cuddling with both of them. Ruby and I often had dates where we used one of the student kitchens to bake cakes, cookies, and all kinds of other sweets, I could surprise both of them with that...though I would have to call someone to distract them while I go out and buy the ingredients. I could call Pyrrha, she's really nice and probably wouldn't mind.

Oh, yea I did tell Emerald that I was gonna hang out with her today, dunno if I should cancel and ask for a reschedule or...

Today's Choice:

1. Just Stay In Bed With Them

2. Call Pyrrha To Distract Them So You Prepare A Date

3. Hang Out With Emerald

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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