Round 14 - Chapter 7 - Old Faces & New Situations

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Roman Fanart By: Jo3mm On DeviantArt

Published On: June 13, 2022


As soon as I agreed to her deal Roma's eyes gained a dangerous glint, her left hand quickly pulling out a scroll and tapping on it.

Roma: "You made the right choice~"

With a loud bang, the room's door was blown off its hinges, flying straight into two of the henchwomen, the others quickly silenced by a blade going straight through them. When I could finally see who took them out I was shocked, I was already regretting my choice.

S/N: "Well well older brother, didn't think I'll ever see the day where you would join my side." She said with a smirk.

I wasn't going to let her get to me, so just looked back over at Roma instead, which also had the added advantage of appeasing her.

Roma: "He didn't join your side, he joined mine." She said annoyed.

S/N: "That's wh-"

Roma: "I think it's best for you to keep your mouth shut unless, of course, you want me to remind you of who you're working for." She says with a cold look, a blade extending from her cane as it got worryingly close to S/N's throat.

With a few quick motions, Roma frees me of my restraints, making sure to inspect if I got any rope burn.

Roma: "Alright let's get out of here." She announces as she grabs my hand.

As she pulls me along I was fighting a battle of mixed emotions in me, she's a criminal, and yet the way she made my sister shut up there was certainly a turn-on, both because it was generally hot and because my sister was always a douche in the past.

Y/N: "Were those her only henchwomen or?" I asked Roma, not really expecting an answer.

Roma: "Oh no, not by a long shot, which is why we're heading to a hideout of mine far away from here."

Soon we were outside the building and running towards Roma's car, S/N got into the driver's seat while Roma got in the back with me.

As we raced out of there I thought about what options I had, or more so what options I didn't have...

If I continue to go along with Roma's plan I'm going to have an easy time avoiding Celine and her goons, yet also keeping me from Weiss and my regular life. Roma though a criminal is actually being really nice to me right now, so I don't think I have to worry about her as long as I stay on her good side, but S/N is certainly not a welcome sight for me, though Roma isn't willing to take her shit either by the looks of it.

I could try to escape, but that could also end really badly with me, then I would have S/N AND Roma against me, not to mention that I don't have my revolver on me anymore.

I guess I could just try to annoy the shit out of them, but that wouldn't really do anything, Roma would probably just gag me and that would be it.

This sure got more interesting and complicated in a hurry...

Today's Choice:

1. Keep Going Along With Roma's Plan

2. Try To Escape

3. Be Annoying

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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