Round 4 - Chapter 1 - From Shadows To Safety

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Blake Fanart By: Axsens On Deviantart

Published On: April 9, 2021


At first, it seemed like a good idea to join them, I really thought I could make a positive difference with them. Nothing could have prepared me for just how wrong I ended up being, for just how horrid everything could become.

I joined the White Fang despite being a human, I was sick of all the hate and violence against Faunus, so I decided to disguise myself as a cat Faunus and join, I didn't mind having to hide who I really was as I could perfectly understand why the White Fang would never let a human join their ranks.

Soon after I joined I befriended one of the members, the cat Faunus Blake Belladonna, she was really sweet and we quickly became best friends and went on a lot of missions. Over all the time that I was there, I remained nothing more but a regular member, despite my highly successful streak of missions, but I wasn't mad about that. Blake on the other hand rose through the ranks very quickly, until eventually, she became the new leader of the White Fang after Sienna was killed by humans. There were a lot of things I had witnessed in my time there that I didn't agree on and that I would never do myself, but they were small things that could be overlooked...

Sadly it didn't stay that way for long and soon those small things soon became massive acts of horrific violence and torture, the heart of the White Fang got lost somewhere along the line. What made this transformation all the more heartbreaking and horrid was the fact that this change could primarily be attributed to Blake, she became ever more vicious, violent, and heartless.

Now I'm out in the wilderness running from Blake after she found out I was a human, and she didn't have any mercy to spare either. All the time we had spent together, the countless times we saved each other's butts, our entire friendship, all of it didn't matter the second she found out...

I was tired and didn't have a weapon on me, my aura had already shattered from all the physical exertion. I had no scroll and didn't know where to go, all I knew is that I had to run.

I look back once more to check if she was on my tail, I didn't see her luckily enough. Just when I turned around I slipped and fell off, I look down in fear seeing a nasty drop, I try to hold onto something but failed. I scraped off several branches and hit stones on my way down, finally with a mighty smack I land on the ground. I feel all my strength losing me as my vision went darker, seems like Blake is going to get me after all...


Slowly my senses returned to me, I could hear something but it sounded muffled. I felt like shit and just wanted to stay on the ground, I panicked when I suddenly felt a hand take my head gently and prop it up onto what felt like a pillow.

I looked up shocked, the person who touched me was a woman. She was pretty short despite clearly being not a kid, she had blue hair, amber eyes, and freckles. She was really pretty, like picture-perfect kind of pretty.

Woman: "No need to panic, I'm not going to hurt you." She said in a gentle tone as she held her hands up.

Y/N: "W-Where am I?" I asked as I looked around the room.

I was in a small and cozy bedroom, everything looked pretty standard aside from some painting stuff in the corner. She sat down on the side of the bed and leaned over, she checked my temperature with her hand.

Woman: "You're in my house, I found you knocked and injured, don't worry though, I patched you up" She explained.

After she said that I noticed how I could feel bandages all over me.

Woman: "I won't pry as to what happened to you, I can imagine that it properly wouldn't be easy to talk about."

Y/N: "I-I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" I introduced.

Woman: "I'm Namia Amare, glad to meet you." She replied as we shook hands.

Y/N: "Nice to meet you too."

Namia: "Well I better downstairs and get something cooked, you must be pretty hungry." She said getting up.

Before I could say anything else she leaves, once the door close I let my head fall back as I let out a long sigh.

I had no idea what to do now, I can't believe Blake somehow didn't find me.

On one hand, I feel like I should leave now to try and make the most distance between me and Blake, but on the other hand, I feel like she wouldn't find me here. Namia is very nice, so staying with her and giving myself actual time to heal wouldn't be bad. I kinda feel bad for not telling Namia about what happened after all she did for me, I'm just not sure how she would react.

I wish I could decide...

Today's Choice:

1. Stay At Namia's Place

2. Get Back On The Run

3. Let Namia In On What Happened

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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