Round 11 - Chapter 7 - Angry Pepper Pots

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Summer & Ruby Fanart By: carcarchu On DeviantArt

Published On: December 8, 2021


I slowly wake up as the cold breeze grows stronger, making the hood of Vernal's car unbearably cold. Holding my head I lean up, seeing it was still early in the morning. When I look to the left I can see Ginny snacking on some candy, she smiles when she notices that I'm awake.

Ginny: "Can't sleep due to the cold?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Ginny: "I got woken up by my hunger, want some?" She asks as she holds a candy bar out.

Y/N: "No thank you."

Vernal was still sleeping undisturbed, not shaking from the cold or anything.

Ginny: "Vernal is used to low temperatures much more extreme than this, she was once part of a criminal gang, which as you can imagine involved a lot of hiding from the cops out in the wild."

Y/N: "Huh..." I utter, not really knowing what to say to that.

With a sigh, I lean back onto the hood again, hoping I'll be able to get some more sleep for a couple of hours. Ginny finishes her candy and then scoots up to me, cuddling with me as she laid her head on my chest.

For a minute I just lay there, sleepy but unable to fall asleep, I flinch when Ginny suddenly springs up from me.

Ginny: " do you have t-two heartbeats..." She says in a terrified tone with wide eyes.

Fuck...things are only gonna go downhill from here...

With a gasp I wake up as I slowly open my eyes again, my cell looking of course exactly how it did before.

I did the only thing I could think of after Ginny found out and ran, heading towards the Tardis...only for me to run into Daleks...

Now I was on one of their saucers as they apparently wanted to bring me to their emperor, hoping to apparently get something out of it. I've been hanging by my arms from the ceiling, my arms fucking numb from these cuffs.

I just fucking wish I didn't have to deal with the Daleks for once, can't they just fu-

Before I could even finish that thought the whole saucer shakes and the lights flicker, the cuffs opening and dropping me onto the ground.

Y/N: "Well that was awfully convenient." I mumble to myself as I get off the ground.

???: "There he is!" A woman calls out.

A redhead with a black outfit and red cloak breaks open the gate of the cell with a massive red scythe, waiting for another woman that looks like-

Y/N: "Lady Time!" I call astonished.

I immediately run-up to her and drop to my knees, bowing in front of her. To my surprise she pulls me off the ground and pulls me along, looking at me confused.

Lady Time: "I don't know what you're on about but we have to get out of here now, oh and my name is Summer."

Y/N: "Lady Time's name is Summer?!" I say to myself, elevated that I got to figure out a cosmos-wide mystery.

Summer: "Still don't know what you're on about, you can explain it once everything is calm."

She drags me to a hatch which she destroys, revealing the sky outside. Summer ignores my concerned reaction and simply jumps with me out of the hatch, my scream cut off suddenly when my entire body feels weird and my sight seemingly becomes glitchy?

Suddenly I'm standing on snowy grass with the Dalek saucer we came from flying away over us, Summer and the other woman just stand beside me unfazed by what happened.

Y/N: "What...what just happened?"

Summer: "I used my semblance to transport you down here with me."

Y/N: "The fuck is a semblance?" I ask as those two give each other a weirded-out look before she responds.

Summer: "Look that isn't important right now, we're safe now."

Y/N: "And may I finally ask who you are?" I ask the other woman.

???: "I'm Ruby, her daughter."

Y/N: "DAUGHTER!?! ah what the fuck? I thought you two were sisters, Summer does look more mature but not older!" I say, making both of them blush a deep red.

Summer: "U-Uh a-anyways, considering that you are the only person that these things have brought to their ships...I'm gonna assume that you are gonna be able to help fix this mess?" She says, pointing to Vale which was in flames with a lot of Dalek saucers flying over it.

Y/N: "Well you'll be right with that assumption, but I'll need my Tardis if I want to help anyone."

Summer: "What's a Tardis?"

Y/N: "To explain it in short, it's a device that can take care of all these Daleks easily."

Ruby: "So that's what these things are called..."

Summer: "Well where is this Tardis of yours then?"

Y/N: "About there." I point over to a hilly forest area on the other side of Vale.

Summer: "Fuck that's further than I would've liked, though I think Ruby and I know the perfect route that can get us there in one piece."

Today's Choice:

1. Choose Summer And Ruby's Route

2. Figure Out Your Own Route

3. Try To Get To The Tardis On Your Own

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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