Round 7 - Chapter 10 - The End Of Beacon

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Weiss Fanart By: Koyorin On DeviantArt

Published On: July 11, 2021


The battle was in full swing as we landed and set foot on Beacon's grounds, all our reinforcements already here...

Y/N: "Come on we gotta help my team, they texted that they were around the dormitories!" I shouted before leading everyone over there.

Bullheads were lighting up the sky with gunshots, the ground was already littered with the bodies of the ones who refused to stand down. As we ran I got a call on my scroll, when I accepted it I had my assistant Shena pop up on the screen.

Shena: "Sir, the ram is ready." She said.

Y/N: "Fire it now then." I shouted over the sounds of the battle.

Shena: "Copy that, firing it now!" She says as she could be seen waving her arm at some personal off-screen.

With the order given I end the call and put my scroll away.

Ruby: "What ram does she mean?"

Y/N: "That one." I explain as I point to a ship that just arrived at Beacon.

Ruby and Weiss stop to look up in surprise as the ship was flying straight ahead over us.

Weiss: "It's headed straight for the-"

Y/N: "CCT Tower I know, that thing will get rammed straight through the top of the tower if the camera of the ship sees Ozpin."

Weiss: "And if he isn't there?"

Y/N: "Then my assistant Shena and her squad will seek him out, they've had plenty of training for this moment, training with a maiden's help that is."

As we got to the dorms we could see Brooke, Andrea, and Kelly fighting against Yang and Blake. Kelly looked really grateful when she saw us, she quickly limped over to us while Brooke and Andrea held Yang and Blake back.

Ruby: "Stop this Yang, you're fighting for the wrong side!"

Yang: "Ruby they are against Beacon!"

Ruby: "They are against Ozpin and his lying ways!" She screams as she jumps into battle and blocks Yang from attacking Brooke again.

Blake: "How can you believe them that easily!?!" She screams out as she gets pushed back by Andrea.

Ruby: "I have seen the proof myself! you two know I would never lie to you!" She screams out as she continued to block Yang from hitting Brooke.

Blake: "I don't believe you Ruby, you're a traitor!"

That's when I could feel how everything changed and the air grew heavier, I could see it in Ruby's eyes...the fact that her two teammates, her friends, would just so easily throw her away the moment they didn't see things from the same view...

Ruby: "Fine..."

Before Yang could try to get another strike in towards Brooke she was thrown to the ground by shots fired by Crescent Rose, Ruby was now on the attack...

Seeing my Rose not holding back anymore I charge with the others into the fight, Blake's eyes widen when Raven starts sprinting towards her.

Raven: "Not surprised that my daughter would choose company that is as weak as she is." She says as she hits Blake in the back.

Weiss, Emerald, and I fought off against anyone that tried to interject in the fight, most of the people however were first years and were more foolish than powerful. I didn't help Ruby as this was her fight, not to mention that Brooke was already helping her. While fighting I couldn't help the smirk growing on my face as I sometimes gazed over to Blake's predicament, I could actively see the panic on her face grow worst and worst as she was already tired out and having to face both Raven and Andrea from two sides as Raven wasn't even fighting her seriously but was just toying with her before she would use her maiden powers to flat out curb stomp her.

Suddenly by scroll started ringing again, in the mists of fighting some lousy first years I flipped my scroll off my belt and accepted the call.

Shena: "Sir, Ozpin has been eliminated."

Y/N: "Good job Shena, everyone can now start with the establishment of our control."

With that, I ended the call before looking over to Raven.

Y/N: "Oz is down Raven, you can end it now!" I shout over to her. 

The remaining huntsmen and huntresses in training who tried to fight back were suddenly all picked off by several bullheads flying over, peppering them with a gatling gun. Blake and Yang stop in shock as they see all these people mowed down instantly like that, their shock making them vulnerable...

Blake could only gasp for air as Raven used the distraction to grab her by the throat before throwing her down onto the ground, shattering her Aura, before ramming Omen straight through her back and into her heart.

Yang: "BLA-" She was cut off.

Her Aura had been shattered and a chuck had been taken out of her side by Crescent Rose, she gasped for air a couple of times before collapsing.

Y/N: "Well...Beacon is in our control now..." I said as we all put our weapons away.

Ruby: "Yeah..." She replied as she looked at Yang's body for a second before walking over to me.

Y/N: "Will you be alright?" I asked as I hugged her.

Ruby: "I will be, right now I just don't want to think about those two." She said with some audible hurt in her voice.

Y/N: "Don't worry you still have us."

Weiss: "Yeah, we aren't leaving." She interjects as she joins Ruby and me in the hug.

The other girls of course couldn't just let this happen and they all joined the group hug as well, with me and Ruby at the center of it.

We all separated when a ship landed right in front of us, when the side hatch opened we saw Kelly standing bandaged up.

Kelly: "I got bandaged up and a bit of rest, so do you guys need a lift?" She asks with a smile.

I take one final look over across Beacon's grounds, seeing all our forces already cleaning up the mess created during the fight.

Raven: "So what now?"

I let out a big sigh before turning around to face all the girls.

Y/N: "How about some food and then some cuddles?"

Everybody: "YEAH!!!" 

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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