Round 12 - Chapter 5 - You Agreed To The Right Thing Hon~

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Blake Fanart By: Shirukun On DevianArt

Published On: January 10, 2022


Lucifer: "You agreed to the right thing hon~"

Those were her exact words...and yet I don't believe it at all...

It turns out that she and Hryllingur weren't thinking of doing their usual shenanigans, which were already dangerous enough, no, they wanted to do something even more insane!

Blake: "Get the fuck back here, fucking bastard!" She screams as she chases me out of the warehouse.

Now some of the stupid, dangerous things Lucifer does when bored a quite fun, but some of them REALLY AREN'T...

Take Blake Belladonna for example, she would be nothing more but one Faunus woman amongst countless others on Remnant...if it wasn't for Lucifer and Hryllingur often tormenting her on her job as a security guard, something they often drag me along to.

Today they thought it would be a great idea to BLOW UP the entire warehouse that Blake was set to guard today, now as a result of that she has absolutely lost her mind and is running after me with the fury of thousand suns, all while Lucifer and Hryllingur have long since managed to outrun her.

At this point, I've almost reached the other end of this industrial block, my heart beating out of my chest.

Blake: "GOT YOU!! FUCKER!!" She growls out as she jumps on my back and sends me to the ground.

I land on the concrete chin first, before I can even react she turns me around and starts wailing at my face punch after punch.

Blake: "THATS. WHAT. YOU. GET. YOU. DIRTY. MOTHER. FUCKER." She screams at me in between the punches.

By now my already strained aura has long since shattered and I was just barely able to look up at her with my beaten and bloodied face.

Blake: "You're coming with me!" She growls as she stands up and starts dragging me away.


You know I wasn't hoping to spend the night injured, tied up, and cold...

But that was my night now as Blake stood a bit away from, on her scroll with someone.

Blake: "Now really that isn't necessary I can sti-" She stops talking as the person hangs up on her.

Everything was completely silent as she just stood there, not moving or anything.

Blake: "FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!" She screams out at the top of her lung, smashing her scroll to bits on the ground.

For a second she tries to calm her breathing but I could clearly tell that it wasn't working one bit, instead, her breathing got only faster and more erratic.

Blake: "NOW I WANT TO KNOW WHO THE FUCK THOSE TWO SKANKS OF YOURS ARE!!!" She says, turning around and walking up to me.

She is standing quite close to me now and...she tied my arms in front of me, not behind my back...

Today's Choice:

1. Duck

2. Lean To The Side

3. Pull Her Close To You

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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