Round 8 - Chapter 2 - Old & New Faces

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Neo Fanart By: HOSEN-HOSEN-HOCEN On DeviantArt

Published On: July 18, 2021


Tired I limp through the grassy fields, clutching my side as blood stained my clothing. I don't know for how long I was walking, all I know is that I'm gonna get them, I'm gonna get each and every single one of them.

Those bastards had the nerves to betray me just because of what I planned to do to the Foundation, something that wouldn't have even affected them. The only good thing to come out of this is that they think they killed me, that'll make things easier for me.

I take Myrtenaster off my belt and stare at it for a second, I'll get home, I'm gonna get home and she'll help me, help me avenge her, and stomp those traitors out of existence...

After what happened yesterday I just decided to go home and sleep, now refreshed and after a nice breakfast, I'm ready for another day.

I park at the side of the road, checking to see if there was anyone in the area, seeing no one I turn my attention to K.A.R.R..

Y/N: "Today's gonna be an off day for us, so don't expect any action unless someone feels like making life hard for us."

K.A.R.R.: "After the past few weeks of nothing but consistent action I feel like it was long overdue."

Y/N: "On that, we can both agree." I say as I pat the dash before getting out.

I walk up to the warehouse I parked at and slowly push up the gate, just enough for me to slip through before I closed it again. Before I could even take another step I could feel something poking me in the back, when I turned around I was met by two differently colored eyes looking at me angrily.

A short girl with an umbrella was standing ready for a fight, her umbrella's tip was the thing that had poked me.

Y/N: "Hello Ma'am I'm looking for Mr. Torchwick, is he here?" I ask.

The woman looked at me weirdly, I guess she expected to initiate a fight or something. She slowly lowered her umbrella as I waited for her answer, her gaze never leaving me.

I knew Roman well, we were long-time friends after all, but I had never seen this woman before. Knowing Roman, he would never let some random stranger into his hideout, so this person had to be associated with him in some way.

She finally drops her hostile gaze and motions me to follow her, she walks over to a door and points at it.

Y/N: "Oh he's in there, thank you Ma'm, I'm Y/N by the way." I said as I held my hand out.

She looked at my hand for a second before she shook it, she grew a small smile. She pulled out her scroll and typed on it for a second before showing it to me.

Neo: "No problem, I'm Neo...and yes I'm mute."

Y/N: "Nice to meet you Neo."

She gives me a nod before walking off, fascinated by her differently colored eyes I gaze after her for a bit, I had heard of people with eyes like that but I've never seen it in person before.

Roman didn't notice me as I walked into the room, like always he was lighting himself another cigar.

Y/N: "Hey Roman!"

Roman: "Ah Y/N! long time no see, how's the wife?"

Y/N: "Oh she's doing fine, though I was interrupted on the way home yesterday."

Roman: "Is that so?" He asks as he has an idea of where this was going.

Y/N: "Let's just say that I have some thorns that I need to get rid of, so now I'm offering you cash my old friend in exchange for your services." I say as I pull out a big briefcase filled with lien and kick it his way.

Roman: "Well if you put it like that, how could I say no?" He said in a joking tone, pretending as if he had to think it over.

Y/N: "I knew I could rely on you, the people I want eliminated are Team BRIR, I already killed their leader Bianca last night." I explained.

Just then Neo came back in, she was carrying some beer bottles, she gives one to Roman and me before opening her own.

Roman: "Have you met my partner in crime yet?"

Y/N: "I've already met Neo when I arrived, a solid partnership you got there." I said as we clinked our bottles together before taking a sip.

Roman: "I know, we've got each other's back."

We all went over to the dining table at a small kitchen area in the corner, Roman reached over to a shelf and pulled out a deck of cards.

Roman: "If you got a bit of time we could catch up for a bit and play some cards again." He offered.

Y/N: "Sure why not?"

Excited Roman started to hand cards out to Neo and me, as he did he explained to Neo how to play.

No matter how long it has been, some friendships last no matter what...

Today's Choice:

1. Get Something Nice For Your Wife

2. Go Home

3. Employ The Services Of Another Acquaintance

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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