Round 7 - Chapter 5 - From One Side To Another

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Ruby Fanart By: D-Floyd2On Reddit

Published On: July 1, 2021


I think Ruby would probably be the best choice, I'm not as certain about the others and if they would join me. I text Ruby back that I would love to hang out with her, she instantly responds telling me that we'll meet up in the courtyard.

I continue to my dorm, bringing back the food I got for Kelly and myself. Kelly's eyes had stars in them when I entered, she took the plate out of my hand and started munching.

Kelly: "Thank you so much!" She said with food in her mouth.

Y/N: "No problem."

I sit down beside her and we just eat in comfortable silence, Sandra and Brooke were playing video games with neither of them winning as they were sabotaging each other. When I was done I texted Ruby that I would be in the courtyard in a moment, I put on my jacket and leave.


Ruby was already there when I reached the courtyard, standing there looking excited. When she noticed me, she zoomed up to me in a heartbeat, gripping my arm tightly as she smiled at me.

Ruby: "Hi Y/N!"

Y/N: "Hey Ruby, ready to set off?"

Ruby: "Yep, where are we going?"

Y/N: "Well there was something that I wanted to talk about in private so..."

Ruby: "Oh gotcha, well let's just go to the Emerald Forest then!"

Y/N: "Sounds good."

As we started walking I could see how Ruby kept staring at my hand, every time I looked at her she looked away, eventually, I just took her hand and interlocked it with mine, making her blush a deeper red than her hair.


It was rather windy and cold by the time we got there, Ruby was holding onto me and burrowing herself into my side. I just sat down under a tree and pat the spot next to me, Ruby sat down looking uncertain as she saw how serious I looked.

Y/N: "What I'm about to tell you will change everything."

Ruby: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Ruby...I'm not here to become a huntsman and neither is my team, we're here to scope out Beacon and get information on everyone."

Ruby just looked at me shocked, I slowly lean over and take her hand into mine.

Y/N: "I know that this must feel like a bomb is getting dropped on you, but I couldn't lie to you any longer, I needed to tell you the truth before it was too late." I said as a squeezed her hand.

Ruby: "Too late? too late for what?"

Y/N: "I'm working together with some people who are going to bring down Beacon, it's because of Ozpin"

Ruby: "Wha-What did he do to you or anyone that warrants this!" She asked looking at me angrily.

Y/N: "We're not looking to hurt anyone but Ozpin, but we know that he would just lie again and get all the students and staff to fight against us. Ozpin isn't who he says he is, he's using you and everyone else at Beacon for a fight of his own, a personal fight that's been going on for longer than you could comprehend."

Ruby: "How do you know all this? how am I supposed to believe you?"

Y/N: "For one thing I have this, this recording shows that he is using you and that he didn't let you into Beacon early because of your encounter with Torchwick that night." I said as I handed my scroll to her.

She looked at me before starting the recording, as she listened to Ozpin talk her face fell, her frown getting bigger and bigger. This was all just because of her silver eyes, not because of her skill, not because he was impressed by her drive to stop Torchwick that night, just her eyes...

She silently gave the scroll back, tears started to go down her face.

Y/N: "We got this recording by getting into Beacon's files including their surveillance, it taught me even more about Ozpin and it also shows that what he's planning for you isn't the first time he's been pulling something like this."

Ruby: "W-What? who else is he playing like this?" She asks as her voice cracks.

Y/N: "Your mother Summer Rose, died because Ozpin sent her on a mission that he knew she wouldn't come back from, he knew, and yet he didn't listen to reason." I explained as Ruby's face went pale.

Ruby: "What kind of mission was it?"

Y/N: "The silver eyes that you have you got from your mother, it can eliminate Grimm or if used under lesser power turn into encase them in stone. Ozpin wanted Summer to go and kill Salem, the person that his personal fight is all about, a person he knows can't be killed."

I select an old recording on my scroll before handing it back again to Ruby, she looks through her tears at the date of the recording. She just sits there for a minute before finally playing it, by the time the recording was done she was full-on crying.

I hugged her tightly as she held onto me for life, her body shaking as tears ran down her face endlessly. I rubbed her back as I stroke her hair with my other hand. After a while, she calmed down again, as she looked at me defeated I rubbed her tears away.

Ruby: "...I'm gonna help you Y/N, I'm gonna help you with everything I have."

And with the Rose on my side, it's time to think about who to convince next...

Today's Choice:

1. Weiss

2. Blake

3. Yang

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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