Round 12 - Chapter 6 - Good Luck Making It Up To Me...

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Neo Fanart By: CSLucaris On DevianArt

Published On: January 12, 2022


I knew that there was no saving her, so I duck as quickly as possible. A quarter of a second later wall behind Blake gets shattered open and a knife hotter than hell flies straight through her heart, sending her gasping and shaking to the ground.

Lucifer and Hryllingur step in through the dust left by the shattered bricks, quickly sprinting up to me and untying me.

Y/N: "I hate you both..." I say unamused.

Lucifer: "I know honey, we noticed way too late that you weren't behind us anymore, it's all my fault that you're hurt now." She said, looking very upset with herself.

Y/N: "Well at least you owe up to the fact you fucked up..." I say as she picks me up.


Lucifer hasn't taken her eyes off me for an hour now, still just as upset as when she first found me. Ruby and Hryllingur look concerned as well, all while three "nurses" helped patch me up. I just laid on the couch and let them do their thing, trying to ignore the pain as best as I could, which wasn't really possible.

Usually, you wouldn't let yourself get treated by three women that are criminals and kinda crazy, but now the infamous 'Neopolitan Triplets' are doing just that. Once upon a time they ran into some trouble that very nearly killed them, they had the luck to run into Lucifer, getting her to save them, at the cost of serving her whenever she so desires, and it does turn out that despite their violent tendencies they make for very good nurses.

Lucifer: "I-I'm sorry honey...l-let me make it up to you, starting with dinner, what would you like for me to make?" She asks.

I just chose to ignore her, instead, I look at Ruby as she awkwardly stands in the background, waiting for something new to do.

Y/N: "Hey Ruby, mind bringing me a mug of ice coffee?"

Ruby: "Of course Master, I'll be right back." She says, bowing before leaving for the kitchen.

Lucifer looks even sadder now that I'm ignoring her, though I can't bring myself to care at the moment, not after she left her husband in the clutches of a woman that she drove insane, even after I told her multiple times that she should be handling her boredom in better ways...

Hryllingur: "Well...I'll better set off then, it's really late..." She says awkwardly as she got up.

Y/N: "Sure, don't forget your coat again." I reply blandly.

Hryllingur: "Uh sure, see you uh...later." She says before leaving quickly.

Today's Choice:

1. Only Acknowledge Ruby & The "Nurses"

2. Continue Ignoring Lucifer

3. Listen To Lucifer

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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