Round 4 - Chapter 3 - Colors & Feelings

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Cinder Fanart By: bmblbeaky On DeviantArt

Published On: April 11, 2021


Letting my hunger win I slowly and carefully get out of Namia's grip and get up, getting downstairs I look through the fridge and cabinets to see what's there.

I decide to make eggs and bacon, simplistic but great, doesn't take too long either.

Just as I put down the plates on the table I hear some sounds, when I look up I see a surprised Namia at the foot of the stairs.

Y/N: "I-I wanted to make breakfast a-as thank you, I-I hope it's okay..." I explained blushing.

Namia's surprised expression quickly breaks out into a huge smile, she takes a seat next to me and starts eating.

Y/N: "I hope my c-cooking skills didn't erode during all my time on missions." I said shyly looking away.

Namia: "You did amazing, this is great." She said happily.

And so we spent the next few minutes eating in peace, occasionally Namia would make some jokes and we'll talk about some random topics. Soon all the food was gone and our stomachs were full, this went better than I expected.

Namia looks at the clock, when she sees the times she quickly gets up and puts the dishes in the sink.

Namia: "I'll have to get to work now, don't want to be late."

Y/N: "What's your job?"

Namia: "Oh I'm a painter, I work at a small place not too far from here."

Y/N: "C-Could I maybe come along?" I ask shyly.

Namia: "Uh sure, though I don't think it'll be terribly interesting." She said looking unsure as she puts a red leather jacket on.

Y/N: "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Namia: "I'll get my painting stuff from upstairs, mind unlocking the car for me?" She asks as she hands me the keys.

Y/N: "No problem." I answer.

When I step outside I nearly get a heart attack, there stood a Rover SD1. I caught my breath and unlocked it and opened the trunk, all the while I was shaking my head. These things were terribly fucking unreliable and were known for falling apart, Namia must not know about that to have one in the first place.

Soon everything was loaded and we were on our way along the wood's dirt roads, Namia would cutely sing along to some songs on her scroll that she had turned on.

About twenty minutes later we had arrived at what looked like a small town, we parked at a shop with a big window. I helped Namia unload her painting stuff from her Rover and carry it inside, the insides weren't what I expected. Due to the massive show window beside the door, I expected some kind of display with a regular store setup behind it, instead, there was no display and anyone could look through the window at the multiple tables and desks with painting resources all over, there was a small hallway that went down to three doors.

Just as Namia sets down her things a door in the hall opened, a very scary-looking lady with an eyepatch and a cybernetic arm walks in. When she notices me she smiles and takes out a long glove from her pants and puts it on her cybernetic arm.

???: "Well to whom do I own the pleasure of your visit Sir?" She asked smiling as she took my right hand and held it gently.

Namia: "That would be me, I brought him here."

???: "Oh? you've got yourself a boyfriend?"

Namia: "N-No, he's a good friend and n-now lives with me." She explained as we both blushed.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N L/N, a pleasure to meet you ma'am." I said blushing slightly from the contact.

???: "I'm Cinder Mégane, I'm Namia's boss, glad to meet you." She introduced herself as she shook my hand before finally letting it go.

Namia: "I'll be able to finish the spring piece today Cinder." She said as she started working.

Cinder. "Sounds good, everything's on time."

Y/N: "Na-"

Cinder: "Would you like a tour around the shop Y/N?" She asked.

I look at Namia, I would probably just bother her while working. Better let her work in peace, in the meantime, I could learn some more about this painting stuff.

Y/N: "Sure."

Cinder: "Great!" She answered excitedly as she put her hand around my shoulder and pulled me along.

Cinder was actually pretty nice, she showed me along with the shop and explained all kinds of things to me. We got along very well, better than I at first thought. Weirdly as time progressed Namia looked sadder and sadder, I didn't understand where the sudden shift in mood came from. Often times she would gaze over sadly at me and Cinder, when she noticed that I saw her glances she would quickly look away.

At last, Namia was done with her work for the day and we were going to leave. Just as we were about to step out Cinder rushed out of her office, she stopped right in front of us as she looked at me expectantly.

Cinder: "So Y/N you told me that you are new around here and don't have a job?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Cinder: "Well how about you start working here? You may not yet be a painter but I could teach you."

I was surprised, to say the least, I didn't think she'll offer me a job when I wasn't a painter even...

Today's Choice:

1. Take Cinder's Offer

2. Decline Cinder's Offer

3. Say That You'll Think About it

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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