Round 7 - Chapter 9 - Casualness With A Side Of Seriousness

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Ruby Fanart By: MinaCream On DeviantArt

Published On: July 9, 2021


Ah fuck it, let's just see what I can watch on the CCT. I reach down to the heap of clothing besides the bed and fish around until I find my scroll, with a flick of the finger the TV turns on. Some action show was on, the baddies were chasing some detectives through a forest.

Ruby: "Ugh...Hey Y/N." She groans out.

As I look over at Ruby's face I'm stricken with an overload of cuteness as she just stared at me sleepily, her hair a mess. I couldn't help myself but lean my head up and kiss her as I hug her even more tightly, Ruby squeals as I rock from side to side slightly.

Ruby: "That is a lovely way to wake up." She cooed before she gave me a kiss as well.

Raven and Weiss started waking up from our talking, Ruby and I look over at them, smiling at their position. Weiss's face broke out into a massive dark red blush when she realized she was being used by Raven as a teddy bear with her face in Raven's breasts, she tried to move away but Raven just looked down at her and held on even tighter.

Raven: "Noo, let's just stay nice and warm." She says as she slightly moves them both so they could also watch the TV.

For the next few minutes, we just watched the TV till the action show ended and I started switching between the channels. I stopped when I happen to switch to a channel showing the news, which was reporting about a fight breaking out over a 'traitor team'.

Raven: "Looks like your team has been busy." She says casually as the news shows some live footage of my team on the run.

Y/N: "...I'll call them." I say as I pick up my scroll.

I decide to call Brooke and after a minute she finally picked up, shouting and some firing could be heard in the background.

Brooke: "Oh hey Y/N, how's it going?"

Y/N: "I'm currently seeing what's happening on the news..." I deadpanned.

Brooke: "Oh...uh..."

Y/N: "Just tell me what's going on and how your cover was blown."

Brooke: "Little ole Mercury was snitching so we took care of him, sadly the snitching caught the attention of Yang and Blake...and...well all hell broke loose after that..."

Y/N: "sighs Stay there and continue fighting, I'm gonna give the signal."

Brooke: "Sounds good, I'll tell the others." She says before hanging up.

I switch to a different contact tab and press the button, now the signal for the attack has been instantly sent to all our forces. Raven's scrolls started beeping and vibrating loudly as the alarm signal also reached her while Emerald's could be heard from outside the room.

Weiss: "W-What's this about?" She asks looking kinda scared.

Y/N: "Beacon is falling." I said as I started getting dressed.

Weiss: "WHAT!?" She screams out as she tries to stand up only to fall down as the feeling in her legs hadn't yet returned.

Ruby: "Relax Weiss, I trust Y/N, he's right and we shouldn't support Ozpin as he isn't the kind of good huntsmen he claims to be."

Weiss just looks at Ruby, shocked by how certain she is about this without any hesitance. Weiss got out of her stupor when Ruby threw her clothing at her, shaking her head Weiss notices how we all are already dressed.

Y/N: "I won't blame you if you won't join us in this fight Weiss, but what I really don't want to do is fight you." I said as I hold Myrtenaster out to her.

Weiss looks at me and then at everyone else before taking Myrtenaster, she smiles at me.

Weiss: "I'll be on your side."

Y/N: "Alright, then hurry getting dressed and we'll be out there in no time." I say as I smile back at her.

Now the question was on where to focus within the fight...

Today's Choice:

1. Join Your Team And Assist Them

2. Split Up And Fight Separately Across Beacon

3. Fight In The Courtyard

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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