Round 5 - Chapter 6 - Mission With Miss. Belladonna

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Kali Fanart By: Telrem On DeviantArt

Published On: April 27, 2021


I decide to just do the mission, it can't possibly be that hard and it'll get me some extra cash.

Y/N: "Fine, what is the mission?" I ask as I wave Roger over to refill my glass.

Kali: "A smash and grab job over at a warehouse at the northern end of the harbor."

Y/N: "Wait, that's the one they ramped security up at, so you were the one responsible for the many hits there?"

Kali: "Oh you've been watching the news?"

Y/N: "Thanks to you it's been on the news often enough for even someone like me to catch wind of it."

Kali: "So-"

Y/N: "Well in that case I won't be able to do it with all the extra security, not when It's supposed to be a quick smash and grab."

Kali: "...I'll assist you then."

Y/N: "I thought you just said you were too busy, hence you asking for my help in the first place?"

Kali: "Oh did I?...maybe it was just a way to get you to spend time with me." She said with puppy eyes.

Y/N: "sigh Whatever, let's just do this..." I said quickly knocking back another glass of whiskey.


So turns out the mission Kali wanted us to do is getting secret company information, WHICH SHE DIDN'T TELL ME HAD SECURITY ALL OF ITS OWN!!!

Now we were running the fuck away after stealing the damm hard drive, trying to not get annihilated. Kali was giving some guards the business while I fought through another group of guards so that we could pass through the exit, just as I was about to knock one of them out he gets blown away by a shotgun blast...

Y/N: "DAMMIT KALI!!!" I cry out as she joins my fight.

Kali: "What? what happened to the Y/N who wasn't a pussy?"

Y/N: "That was back then when only Blake could potentially find out, now I have a lot more friends, a lot of them from Beacon as well."

Kali: "You need better friends!"

Y/N: "Says you..."

I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold Kali back, so I let the insanity just take its course. Kali flips and zooms all over the place as she executes all the guards with her shotgun, her shots loudly reverberating throughout the entire warehouse. While she focused on the guards and all the additional ones that ran in, I look if I can cut off their entry point over at the other side, looking up I spy an opportunity.

Y/N: "Let's fuck 'em up!"

I shot gravity dust at a container suspended by some cables, it gets pulled down and slams on the ground, blocking the entrance and crushing some guards. The crash caused a rumble that made the stacks of containers fall over and crumble into a giant mess, making enough noise to probably wake up all of Vale...

When I look over still panting from all this nonstop bullshit I see Kali standing on a small hill of corpses, she just flashes me a smile before skipping over to me.

I pass the hard drive to Kali, she just gives me a mischievous smile again, making me roll my eyes. I look over when I hear two people dropping down, my eyes widen when I see that it's Ruby...and Ruby...

Dammit Kali...

Today's Choice:

1. Not Say Anything And Leave With Kali

2. Lie And Tell Them That You're Here To FInd The Robber

3. Stay There

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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