Round 13 - Chapter 5 - Getting Straight To The Point

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Weiss Fanart By: fkim90 On DeviantArt

Published On: February 23, 2022


I simply decided to get straight to the point.

Y/N: "Okane...I know you have feelings for me." I say making her freeze.

Neither of us says anything as she just stands there frozen, looking at me with eyes the size of dinner plates.

Okane: "Y-You heard me talking to myself...didn't you?" She finally says.

Y/N: "Yeah..."

She looks away, slowly she moves to the couch and sits down, shaking all the way.

Y/N: "Hey calm down, no need to get so worked up about it, I don't mind if that's what you're thinking." I say, sitting down next to her and rubbing her back.

Okane: "R-Really?"

Y/N: "Yes really, the feeling is mutual, I have fallen in love with you."

Okane simply gasps and squeals before throwing herself on me, straddling me, and giving me kisses endlessly.

Before I could react she suddenly pulls me to my feet, looking super excited she gets out her scroll.

Okane: "I know what we're doing for our first date!"


Her date idea turned out to be a trip to Atlas and their "finest music hall" as she puts it, watching famous singer Weiss Schnee perform her latest album.

The place and music are very good, they even offer food, not all of which is the overly-fancy type, they do actually offer things like burgers and fries.

After an hour and a half, we were sitting in the back of her ship as we were flying back to Vale, I was wondering if I should maybe go back to my place or sleep with Okane, in her bed, something that both of us would love, but I'm also very nervous to do.

Today's Choice:

1. Spend The Night With Okane

2. Sleep At Your Place

3. Phase Into Another Reality

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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